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Adrielle's POV

"What is this?" I ask, as Michael pulls the heavy door open. He smiles and leads me in, and the instant smell of vinyl covers my warm nose. "Michael," I breathe.

"Come over here," he leads me to a stand that reads "New Releases." He puts a pair of black beats over my ears and his own, and a song instantly starts playing. I recognized the voices immediately, it's my boys.

"I wanted you to be one of the first to listen to the new album." He smiles and kisses the bridge of my nose.

A whole perfect album later, me and Michael are sitting on the blue carpeted floor, enveloped in each other, oblivious to everything else including the time flying by and the people coming in and out of the store, we were totally focused on each other, I haven't been happier with Michael.

It was just us, singing along with Jet Black Heart for the hundredth time.

"Michael, it's perfect." I coo, kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, baby." He says, checking the time on his phone, "We should probably get going, Luke's probably waiting for you." He mumbles, setting the beats back on the table and grabbing about ten albums.

He walks up to a teenage girl looking through CDs, "Hey, this one's pretty good." He holds out the cd out to her and her face lights up.

"This is actually the one I was looking for." She looks up and her mouth hangs open.

"Really? Does this mean that you're a fan?" He asks, smiling and engulfing the girl in a hug.

"Yes, yes it does." She says, almost frantically, "Can I get a picture?" She asks, pulling out her phone.

"Of course, love." Michael smiles, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her cheek as a I take a few pictures and videos, enjoying their little moment as much as her.

We say our goodbyes and he follows her on twitter and I take her twitter down, promising to give it to the other boys.

We leave the store and stop by Panera on our way.

When we reach the hotel, I die inside considering the fact this is the closest me and Michael have ever gotten. "Well," he breaks the silence, "don't leave my impatient fucktard of a band mate waiting." He smiles a saddened smile and then I get out of the car so I don't get convinced to stay. The elevator ride is awkward and my heart pounds against my chest. My room is empty and cold, and I change into hot pink underwear and a mint green bra. No one is around, so I decide to walk into the bare hallway without a robe on. A slight creaking noise escaped from calum's room, and I stopped dead in my tracks as the door swung open. As I turned the corner, a figure pushed me up against the wall.

"What the fuck-" I begin.

"I'm so sorry baby girl," The voice belonged to Calum, "I won't ever make you sad again." He kissed and sucked the skin under my ear. His hot breathe on my skin making me shiver, and I can't get enough. "You're so fucking perfect, how could I let such a bad thing happen?" He smiles against my neck and I slightly push him away.

"This was cute, but I have to get to someone's room, plus you left me for a loose vagina" It comes out meaner then expected. He blinks, and slowly backs away.

Rushing into Luke's room, I open the door to reveal a shirtless boy on the bed.

Damn, Luke looks good without a shirt on.

Within seconds he's pressed against me, his hands gliding down my back, squeezing my bum gently.

His lips find my neck, sucking and nipping. I moan softly and tangle my fingers into his hair.

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