Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Melinda's royal blue scion pulled up onto the Nightingale Academy driveway.  It was probably around 9:00pm, and the moon was out pouring down rays of candescent white light, from a cloudless black sky.  Nothing's better than going back to a boarding school on a magnificent night like this.  I was in the car wide eyed and eager to begin my second school year as a vampire.

Since I began to attend last year a new world had opened up for me. I made new friends (not many though) and was able to try, learn and do new things. I used to be terrified of vampires.  Just the idea of a being that fed on human blood made me squeamish.  I think it was because I didn't understand them, or even want to.  I thought that they were evil creatures of darkness just waiting in the obscurity of a shadow to cease and devour their next victim.  But now that I'm one of them, I know that they're just like humans but a little different (maybe a 'little' is an understatement).

"Come on. Let's get your things Lottie," Melinda said while stepping out of the car.  She was the only person who called me Lottie, or even bothered to give me a nickname.  I figured other people saw me as too boring to deserve one.

I got out and helped.  Melinda was my aunt. And she was amazing.  She always liked me more than my brothers and I always looked up to her.  Though she's not married she was very successful with her job and everything else she attempted.  And to top it all off she was very pretty. Though a lot of the time she'd be busy, I could always count on her to be there for me, especially when I had just changed.  She was willing to take me in and take the burden I had become to my parents and put it on her shoulders.  My parent's defence for almost literally kicking me out of the house was that they were afraid that I'll eat Joseph and Joshua (though those brats are probably so spoilt they'd taste bad anyway).

Melinda and I took my things and brought it into the school. A young woman probably fresh out of the academy was sitting behind the receptionist's desk.  She was gorgeous with flowing blonde hair and perfect skin.  She was even better looking than those airbrushed models in the magazines.  Sometimes I wondered why turning into a vampire didn't make me look like that.  I looked pretty much the same from before, the only thing that changed was the fact I no longer needed glasses.  But otherwise, when I look in the mirror I saw the same Plain Jane I always was.

"Wait here while I go check you in," Melinda said putting down my suitcase next to my feet.

I nodded

As my aunt approached her, the receptionist smiled showing off pearly white teeth and fangs.  Even more proof of her utter perfection.  For around twenty minutes they were having a very lively conversation while I waited like a good girl in the chair.  I figured it was something to do with clothes because my aunt let the receptionist feel the fabric of her designer jacket.  It was one of those girly conversations I would get lost in, because I knew nothing about clothes or fashion.

Finally my aunt returned with a white paper which she handed to me.

"The receptionist is really accommodating.  Her name is Julia.  She was very interested in why you are here so early.  You should talk to her.  She says you remind her of herself," Melinda suggested.

I looked up and at the woman's glowing face.  I had no idea how in the world I could remind her of herself, I didn't even look like her.  There was no way I was going to say more than hello and goodbye to her.  It's not like we'll even find common ground.  From what I observed we were total opposites.

 "Uhhh...yeah...maybe," I said looking down at the paper in my hand.

The ink that was sprawled across it was blood red instead of the average black, in a fancy font. I was assigned a new room in a new dorm, maybe even with a new roommate.  I hoped not.  I wasn't very good when it came to befriending a complete stranger.  At the bottom of the paper was small notice surrounded by a border.  It mentioned new classes available to sophomore students in various arts.  I was definitely going to try at least one of them.

"Are you all set?" Melinda asked standing.

 I stood too.

"Yeah, I think so," I said in my same insecure voice.

Melinda gave me a warm hug that for a second soothed my vampire coldness.

"Goodbye Lottie," she said, let me go, then left while waving Julia goodbye as well.

Now I was all alone.  Probably the first and only student here, arriving two days before the re- opening date of the Academy.  I pulled up the handle of my burgundy suitcase and pulled it behind me down the hall. 

It was creepy being in the academy alone like this.  I'm sure there were teachers around.  There are always teachers around, probably having a meeting about something or the other.  But who wants to go cosying up to the teachers anyway.  I preferred being alone.  I strutted down the hall, my footsteps making a soft echo, until I reached the end of the hallway.  There was a huge mahogany door there.  I turned to my left and stared down the continuation of the hallway. I was supposed pass down there in order to get to the second year dorm.  Around the corner was dark because no lights were on down there.  I had no reason to be scared and I wasn't.  But it was just a bit too creepy for my taste.  I heard a deep chuckle from down the hall erupting from the darkness.  I didn't recognise the voice but I could hear their footsteps coming closer.  It must've been one of the school's professors. Not in the mood for a confrontation, and not being at all interested in waiting to find out who it was I turned the handle of the door (initially to check if it was locked) and then pushed it open.  I quickly scurried out of the hall dragging my suitcase.  And as softly as I could I closed the door shut behind me.

The courtyard wasn't lit with candles like it usually was during the school year, but instead was lit up only by the light of the full moon.  The place was absolutely beautiful.  The stone paths and colourful mosaic flooring shone like gems, and the dew drops on the petals and leaves of the ornamental flowers that decorated the area glistened.  I was glad I made the little detour to pass through here to get to the dorms.

I continued on, lugging my bag along the pathway.  I passed my favourite spot on the roof that looked over the courtyard.  No one knew about up there.  And even if they did no one really bothered to care about it.  I could see everything that went on in the courtyard from up there, which at some points at night could get pretty disgusting.  When it would start to get like that, I would turn around and have the most fantastic view of the forest.  I would go on the roof, whenever I felt like thinking or being alone.

I made it to my dorm which of course no one was in and of course, my roommate hadn't arrived yet.  So I dropped my things on the bed in the corner to the right, which was directly beneath a small circular window, and I then headed back to the courtyard to sit on the roof.

I was relieved when I found that the ladder I had propped against the wall last year was still there.  And the ivy from the wall had already begun to engulf it.  The ivy didn't hinder me at all, and I made it to the top with ease.  But when I was about to pull my self to the top of the roof, I noticed a dark figure of a man who seemed to be sitting and staring at the view I loved so much. I was just about to climb back down, when he turned his head looked at me.  The light was shining directly on his face now so I could see his features clearly.  He probably wasn't more than two years older than me, maybe around 18 or 19 years old.  His skin was also very pale, even for a vampire, and his eyes were surrounded by dark circles like he hadn't rested for days.  Jet black hair shrouded his head, and some locks of hair awkwardly fell over his face.  If I hadn't known better I would've sworn he was sick.  But I did know better; vampires don't get sick. 

His grey eyes lingered on my face and then he turned back to stare at the forest, his face once again falling in shadow.

"Aren't you going to run away from me like everyone else," he muttered. 

There was something in his voice-pain.  I felt so sorry for him.  But I didn't know him, and I wasn't interested in getting to know him better.  I gave him a pitiful look I know he didn't see and then climbed down the ladder, hoping I wouldn't have to see him ever again.

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