Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

                The house was nothing like the garage, though still small.   It felt cosy.  The floors were tiled with vinyl and the walls were painted a pale yellow.  I had stepped into the kitchen which was reasonably furnished, with cedar wood cupboards.  A round table was in the middle surrounded by wooden stools.  Sitting on one of them, and also smoking, was a woman.  She looked like she was around twenty one.  Her hair was so ice blonde it had to be dyed.  It was cut very short, like a boy's, and a few locks were allowed to grow long enough that it fell over her right eye.   I could tell she wasn't a vampire, because she coughed after one tug on her cig and she just didn't have the vampire glow that vampire women - and men - have.  She looked normal, but still prettier than I could ever be.

                "Good morning," I said as I took a few steps towards her.  She smelled strongly of tobacco and marijuana.  Her head was being held up by her hand like it was too heavy for her.  I wondered if she was high. 

                Her eyes moved to look at me.  "What is it?" she asked clearly frustrated that I had interrupted her day dream, or what ever.

                "West told me to ask you where the bathroom is," I said a bit intimidated by her. 

                She groaned, lifted her head off her hands, and got off the stool.  I didn't realise it before but all she was wearing was a tank top and a pair of panties. Her body had quite a good number of holes on her arms, her thighs and neck – vampire bites. 

                When a vampire bites you and sucks your blood it's supposed to give the human participant a feeling of euphoria.  They feel no pain until they wake up hours later.  It's also supposed to increase the pleasure felt while having sex for both participants.  I've never participated in such activity before so I wouldn't know.  I guess West was having fun with his little human pet last night while I was knocked out on the floor and I couldn't help but feel happy that I wasn't awake to hear anything.

                I heard the flick of a switch and sharply turned my head.

                "It's over here," Riley said groggily.  She was standing in front of a lit room on the left of the hall. 

                "Thanks," I said with a small smile as I walked up to her.  She groaned in reply.  I guess she was feeling the pain now since she was rubbing the marks on her neck.

                I spent a very short time in the shower and quickly changed into the skinny jeans and orange t-shirt I had taken with me.  As much as I wasn't a fan of people who swore a lot, as I didn't myself, I was itching to hear the rest of what West and Jonathan were talking about.  I probably should've waited for the conversation to end before I asked to go for a shower.

                I went back to the door to the garage, and found Riley passed out on the kitchen table, the cigarette still burning and hanging on the tips of her fingers.  She looked so messed up.  West was clearly taking advantage of her, but it wasn't my place to question their lifestyle and their choices.

                I entered the garage, and to my dismay, the argument was over, though I couldn't tell who won, since both of them looked ticked off.

                "What's going on?" I asked closing the door behind me.  West was sitting down smoking his cigarette furiously, and Jonathan was stuffing the blankets back in the duffel bags.

                "We're going to meet my freakin' cousin tonight," West snapped angrily. "We are going to talk to freakin' Konstantin!  That's so freaking brilliant! And if we die, and have our guts melt into rot on the floor, it's alright with you, right Jonathan?" 

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