Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

“I was looking for you everywhere,” said the voice.  I opened my eyes to see the friendliest face since I arrived.  It was one of my good friends, Loren.  I immediately stopped panicking.  I didn’t want her to enter a speech about how I over react, and it made me happy to see her.  Loren was one of the few friends I made last y'ear.  She was super friendly, and was the first person willing to approach a quiet and reserved being like me.  We became friends immediately, mainly because she wouldn’t accept a refusal of her offer of friendship, and because I was so lonely I was desperate. 

I should’ve probably gone to look for her long before, but the whole problem with my late room mate had made me forget about her.  I’m such an awful friend.

“Hi Loren,” I said trying to smile.  I didn’t want to suck the joyful energy that always welled out of her.   But she noticed my anxiety and quickly entered the ‘caring friend mode’.

“What’s going on Charlotte?” she asked leaning on the door next to me, “You’re usually upset but you look like you want to die.”

“Well…” I began.

She narrowed her eyes at me.  “Were you counting again? I know something’s up when you start counting.  And don’t lie to me.  You’re a horrible liar I can always tell when you are lying.”

I hesitated in answering.  We were after all right in front my dorm room.  And Loren was the type who would storm in there and hurt Kathryn for being such an evil witch.  But I didn’t want that at all.  I didn’t need any more trouble. 

“Umm…I’ll tell you later,” I suggested, “I want to meet your new room mate.”

Loren narrowed her eyes further.  I shuffled my feet nervously.

“Why can’t I meet yours first?  We are after all right in front the door.  We could just go in right now,” she said reaching for the handle. 

“Umm…no.  She’s not the type who’s up for having random people just bursting into the room being all happy and such.  She just got here, so let her settle in.”

“Just got here?  She’s late,” She said looking at her watch.  “Well I give an awesome welcome, I’m sure she won’t mind.”

“She would, we could come back later, and you can meet her then, if you really want ok,” I suggested.

I hoped she wouldn’t be persistent.  She wasn’t.

“Fine,” she sighed, “You can be so secretive sometimes.  I thought you would have gotten over that.  You can tell me anything, we’re friends remember.”

I nodded.  “I know.”

We walked down the hall and down the stairs.  Loren began some long story about the summer with her family.  She said they made fun of her because the summer is when the sun is out the brightest, and the weather is the best and she was stuck inside, until nightfall. And also, how her little brother and sister would try to sleep during the day so that they could play with her all night.  It sounded like she was happy.  Her family loved her; no wonder she was so full of energy all the time.  Her parents weren’t like my parents.  My parents who wanted nothing to do with me after I was turned.  My parents who kicked me out of the house.  My parents who said it was my fault, that I was always the problem.

“So how was your summer?” she asked when she was done. 

How was my summer?  It wasn’t interesting really.  My aunt was away a lot of the time for business and I was alone with Clay her cat, which was named clay because of the red brown colour of its fur.  I read a bazillion books and watched movies so many times I had memorized part of the script.  So my summer was…

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