Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

The infirmary was buzzing with conversation and I waited behind a corner patiently for the people inside to leave, and Jonathan would be in there alone.  I waited for about 15 minutes and I was beginning to get discouraged, thinking that they would never go away.  As I was about to step from behind the corner and walk back to my dorm, the infirmary door creaked open and Dr. Greenwich and the Deputy, who had both left when we arrived at the office, stepped out.  They were wearing hazmat suits and looked very solemn. I then began to worry that Jonathan might not be fine after all.  Following them were two other professors wearing similar suits, none of which who had ever taught me, who had the same look etched on their faces.  When they disappeared as they walked up the hall, I tiptoed to the infirmary door twisted the knob and quietly stepped in. 

The floor was covered with small pools of Jonathan’s blood.  And the sheets that covered him were stained with it.  I wondered if vampires could bleed to death.  I then remembered what Dr. Greenwich said, and I began think that coming in there without a suit on wasn’t the best idea.

 I tiptoed towards his bed, and hovered over his unconscious body.  I could see he was still breathing which was a good thing.  I noticed on one of the tables that there was a tray with forceps and several bullets.  Both thickly layered with his dark blood.  I wished I could at least sit next to him, but I didn’t want to get his blood on me…and the skirt I had on was my favourite.  As he lay there he looked so vulnerable and weak.  His hair was wet looking and his mouth was partly open.  The sheet that covered most of his body had dark stains of blood all over it.  I hoped he was healing alright.  Since the bullets were removed it was about time he woke up.  I at least wanted to be there when he did.

Jonathan suddenly opened his eyes and immediately sat upright in bed.  His sudden movement startled me and I subconsciously took a few steps back, stepping into a puddle of blood by accident (those were my favourite shoes too).  He turned to look at me with blood shot eyes.  I wondered if he was mad at me for staring at him while he slept.  He pulled the sheet off of his body and he swivelled so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt and he had no shoes on. 

“Jonathan…” I muttered.  I wasn’t expecting him to just get up like that.  I was hoping he would get up calmly, and I would be there to comfort him and crap.  But instead he gets up like if he’s mad at the world. 

He ignored me and stood up, stepping in the small pools of blood as he walked to the exit. 

Oh no, I thought.

“Jonathan!” I shouted to get his attention.   But he simply ignored me.  I groaned, and avoiding the blood pools the best I could, I briskly walked up to him.  He had already opened the door when I got a hold of his left hand.  He stopped and looked at me, clearly upset that I had touched him. 

I tried to ignore the disdain in his eyes.  “I don’t think you should go just yet.  Wait until Greenwich returns,” I suggested in a hushed voice.

His expression didn’t change.  And he yanked his hand out of mine.

“Just go back to your dorm Charlotte,” He muttered and he continued out the room and down the hall way.

I wondered if I should follow him, but he obviously didn’t want me to, and I didn’t want to impose any longer.  I was going to wish him luck and leave when the hazmat suit covered teachers began to walk towards us from the opposite end of the hall.  I didn’t know how to respond.  After all Jonathan was outside of the room, spreading his blood all over the hall floor and it would appear to everyone that I had aided him.  Great, I thought, why now?

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