Chapter Four: Answer My Damn Questions

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Gerard didn't know what had caused Frank's attack earlier, but most of him didn't really want to know. Especially when this whole ordeal was his fault.

He couldn't go to the hospital and act normal. If he acted normal ever.

"My dad left me and my mom," the little boy frowned. But his tears long gone, "He said he didn't love us like he used to and then walked out of the house with two large suitcases."

Gerard wrapped the younger boy into a hug. "It's okay...what's your name?"

"My name is Frank. And who are you?" Frank asked with a small smile.

"I'm Gerard - and over there is my brother Mikey. But like me more because I'm more awesome," He giggled as a laugh escaped Frank's throat and be genuinely seemed happy for the first time since the Way's had walked onto park property.

"Do you wanna be my best friend, Gerard? Because I don't have any and it would be great to have one..." Frank gave Gerard a hopeful smile and a widening of the eyes.

"Yeah. I'll be your best friend. I have to go, but I'll see you around, okay buddy?" Gerard smiled at the young boy and stood up, "Bye Frankie!"

Gerard ran from the secluded area and to where his brother was reaching for his moms hand. He liked Frank, and wanted to see him again.

"What's wrong, Gerard? You look mad.." Mikey asked, coming into the room with his dorky glasses and spiked up hair. "Oh wait...sorry! I swore I thought the other name and said the wrong one it's -"

"It's fine, Mikey." Gerard sighed, "I don't care."

"What in the -" Mikey narrowed his eyes. "This is the first time since you were 13 that you haven't flipped out on someone because of the name thing."

"I just don't -" Gerard stopped himself and thought for a moment. He could trust Mikey, couldn't he? "You remember Frank right..?"

His eyes widened, "Yeah - why's he coming into discussion now, he hasn't since the 7th grade when you -"

"Don't say it." Gerard stopped him. "Anyway, I think- I think Frank's starting to remember..."

"Like the incident - what happened and -"

"Yeah." Gerard confirmed. "I think he's starting to remember that.."

"We have to go talk to him then, seriously Gerard! This can't be kept a secret from him. He deserves to know...c'mon, you have to tell him. Or I will."

"No!" Gerard shouted, his expression hardening as he glared at Mikey. "No one's gonna tell him until I'm ready to, understood? This involves me and Frank and nobody else - you all are just on the sideline."

Mikey let out an obnoxious sigh but nodded nonetheless and flopped down onto the chair.

"I'm still going as Marilyn at school though for safety reasons.." Gerard reminded.

"You don't have to remind me, big brother. We don't even go to the same school." Mikey rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna go to Pete's - I'll be back later."


Frank didn't believe a single word his mother told him about the name and about how he was just dreaming it. Because this name was obviously significant if it caused some type of seizure and landed him here.

Maybe Marilyn would know...

He seemed pretty secretive.

"Frank?" The male nurse knocked on the open door. "There's someone here to see you."

Frank raised an eyebrow, "Who?"

A dorky looking kid entered the room and smiled an awkward smile at Frank.

"I'll shut the door but open it when you're done, okay?"

They both nodded as the nurse walked out. The other boy waited for the quiet click of the door before he looked up to Frank.

"Hi. I'm Mikey," he held out a hand for Frank to shake.

"Hi...I'm assuming you already know who I am for some reason..." Frank guessed.

"Yeah, not trying to be creepy or anything but...can you do me a favor?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." Frank nodded.

"Don't tell Ger- Marilyn I was here - he'll kill me. Anyway, I'm just here to provide you with some information. But don't tell any of this to Marilyn. Alright?" Mikey looked pretty stern and serious about this so he nodded. "Good."

"Why can't I tell him the stuff you told me?" Frank asked, the confusion completely obvious on his face.

"He wanted to wait but I think you need to know this - or at least the very little information I'm slipping to you..." Mikey cleared his throat. "Question: when does your memory get all fuzzy and unclear?"

"The sixth grade," Frank answered automatically. "I don't remember Christmases or birthdays or what I went for on Halloween when I was do you know my memory is all unclear?"

Mikey opened his mouth, paused, and shut it again. "Long story for another day...when you had that seizure, were there any weird sensations on your body?"

Frank shrugged, "nothing but the feeling of imaginary blood running down my body. Why are you asking me this? Are you a doctor or something?"

"No," Mikey shook his head. "I'm Gerard's brother..." He stopped dead in his tracks, "I mean..."

"So you know Gerard? Who is he? Can you please tell me?" Frank begged, "I keep getting flashbacks of two little kids playing together and running around and one of them went by the name of Gerard - please, tell me?"

"I'm sorry Frank. I want to. But I can't," Mikey frowned and glanced down at Frank's pale arms. There were light scars in the shape of vertical and horizontal lines on his forearms. "Where did those come from?"

"Not sure," Frank stuck his tongue out as he looked, "As far as I know, they've been there since I was born but my mom won't tell me, nobody is telling me anything this days and it's making me mad..."

"I will tell you!" Mikey raised his voice a little. "Just not at this moment. Either me, Gerard or Marilyn will tell you."

"How do you and Gerard know know Marilyn?" Frank asked, squinting his eyes threateningly at the twerp who was taller in from of him.

Mikey shrugged, "Cousins. Anyway, I think those scars are the reason you felt the blood. I think that maybe in the part of your past that you didn't know about, that you bled from those scars when they were just fresh cuts.

"Do you think I did them myself?" Frank asked, looking at Mikey with some type of newfound respect.

"No. God no." Mikey shook his head, "I mean - probably not. But I should be going, my brother is expecting me home and I should probably go. I'll he back soon though, I promise." He winked, "And remember. Don't tell Marilyn."

(Sorry if it's confusing)
I'm refraining from spilling the whole story at once so I'm just doing quick flashbacks and little bits of information here and there. I know what I'm gonna do - but I'm confusing myself while thinking of the process XD

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