Chapter Six: It's Not A Phase Mom

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[This might just be a short story. I'm not quite sure how to drag it on...]

"So you told him?" Mikey asked, "Am I gonna be in deep shit now?"

Frank shook his head, "No. It's all okay, he got a little pissed at first but he's good now..."

Mikey eyed Frank with suspicion, his eyes narrowed at the younger boy. "You still want more questions, huh?"

Frank blushed, "Yeah. I do."

Ambulance sirens could be heard from a far distance as they raced to the scene that the accident happened at. They didn't know how something like this could happen, it never happened before.

But they were paramedics, therefore they had to deal with it.

The little boy was crying on the ground in front of the unconscious kid, mumbling through broken sobs about how it was his fault.

"Hey, do you know what happened to make him react like this?" The paramedic asked Gerard.

He nodded, but made a motion that clearly meant he wasn't gonna talk.

The paramedic sighed and lifted the limp body onto the gurney and pushed him into the back of the ambulance. "I'm sure he's okay, kid. You'll be one of the first to know, okay?"

By now, there were a ton of people surrounding the scene, a flushing Mrs Way and Linda (he wasn't sure if her last name was Iero or not.)

But he knew she was angry and sad both at once.

"Um...Frank. Are you there?" Mikey waved a hand in front of his face, "You just kind of disappeared from the world on me -"

"The park." Frank mumbled quietly with wide eyes. "The blood, the ambulance, the crying boy and my mom."

He frowned, "My dad left me and the boy tried to make me happy again. Gerard was my friend...Mikey, what happened to him and I? If we were friends, how come I never see him anymore?"

Mikey looked away from Frank, "I can't say, I made a promise and yesterday I told too much."

The door handle turned and Marilyn walked in, eyeing the two with skeptical eyes. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing..." Frank studied Marilyn's features, concentrating on the face behind the makeup. It was kind of hard, considering all the layers of white and black lathered on his skin. But Frank could see pretty well and then his jaw dropped. In full surprise as he stood up and hugged Gerard.

"Uh, Frank...what's going on?"

"I know it's you, Gerard." Frank mumbled, his arms tightening around the older boy. "Why'd you change your name?"

Gerard and Mikey shared a confused look and Mikey stood up from the floor, "Um - how did you know that he's Gerard?" Mikey asked.

"You may wear a lot of makeup, dude. But you clearly look like the little boy in my dreams." Frank pulled away from Gerard and sighed, "Why didn't you guys tell me? How come the whole world knows about this and I'm getting clues and hints little by little? It's fucking tiring and it makes me feel like shit."

"Listen," Gerard out a hand on Frank's shoulder. "It's really bad. And I know that once you find out, you won't like me anymore and I don't want that. I- I haven't seen you in seven years and I don't want to lose you again."

"Seven years?" Frank asked, his hands dropping to his sides from the previous position of being crossed over his chest. "When was the last time you seen me?"

Gerard clenched his eyes shut. "I can't tell you."

"Dammit Gerard!" Frank shouted, "Why the fuck not?"

"Because I don't want to lose you, Frank. I did once and I thought you died, you're not gonna want to ever talk to me if I tell you."

"Please," Frank begged. "At least tell me about the makeup and name change?"

"Fine," Gerard sighed.

"Gerard," Mikey warned. "Are you sure you're ready to tell him now?"

Gerard nodded, "Just how I got the name Marilyn and the makeup. It's okay, Mikes, just go hang out with Pete or Ray and I'll see you later." Gerard grabbed Frank's hand and pulled him out of Mikey's room and downstairs to a door that was painted black.

Gerard's basement bedroom.


"Okay," Frank smiled. "Tell me."

Gerard sat down on the bed with the Ouija Board bedspread and Frank sat down next to him, only slightly scared for his life.

"Okay," Gerard started. "The accident happened when me and you were 9 and 10, in the fourth and third grade. There was a hospital involved and a coma and then a few years later, I was in the seventh grade when I heard the news. That you weren't dead. I didn't exactly know how to react. I thought you were dead for three years. So I guess I got into this stage where I became really emo and wore a ton of makeup to cover up my face so no one could see what I actually looked like. So nobody knew it was me that caused the accident in the first place." He sighed and his eyes wondered away.

"What about the name?" Frank asked quietly, trying to take in what was just told to him. And who was in the coma. And apparently Frank was dead for some time before he came back to life.

"Well, you know Marilyn Manson, right? The person and band and all the shit with the backstory of that?"

Frank nodded.

"I guess when I walked through the doors one day with my new look. People started bullying me - with the name calling, but I never took the makeup off. So the name just stuck and nobody but my family and you even remember my real name anymore." Gerard let out a breathy sigh and laid his head on Frank's shoulder.

"Wow," Frank breathed. "That was intense. How come you couldn't tell me before?"

Gerard shrugged, "I'm a paranoid shit that doesn't have any friends and then you showed up one day. You were my first actually best friend, Frank Iero."

Frank smiled. "W-was I the one in the coma and hospital?"

He nodded, "Yeah. You also died for 10 minutes."

The silence came between them again and that's when Frank stood up. "Can I see what you look like without the makeup on?"

Never mind guys. I got some new plot and I could do some other views, like Pete and Mikey and Ray Toro *claps* anyway, has this chapter cleared anything up?

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