Chapter Five: Mikey Said Not To Tell But I Did Anyway

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[Marilyn and Gerard are the same person if that helps clear some stuff up. A/N: ignore this, I was young I don't know what I was saying because obviously you all know he's both :/ sorry]

Gerard wasn't sure whether he should be surprised or not when he walked into the classroom the next day with the absence of Frank. He did have some sort of freak out on the ground - that could've had a slight possibility of death.

So naturally, he probably wouldn't have been there.

Gerard stared spaced out at the empty seat that belonged to Frank.

"Hi um..." Gerard looked away from the empty seat to the door where the boy on Gerard's thoughts was standing right there in the doorway with an embarrassed look upon his face. "Can I borrow Marilyn for a minute?"

Mr Whitmore raised an eyebrow at him, "And why's that?"

"My is here and needs to talk to him." Frank said, it was obviously a lie.

"Okay...Marilyn. Go ahead." The teacher nodded to the door and Marilyn scrambled up, grabbing his trench coat and leaving the room.

Once Marilyn and Frank were out of the classroom, Gerard looked carefully at Frank. "You're okay, then?"

Frank nodded, "You seem to be a little skeptical about my excuse so, but I need you to come with me."

Gerard nodded and walked behind the shorter boy as they left the school premises.

"Why did I need to follow you?" Gerard asked as he watched Frank sit down. "By the way, you're makeup looks spot-on."

Frank smiled, "Thanks. Now, um, I wanted answers. Mikey told me not to tell you -"

"What? He didn't go to Pete's?" Marilyn asked, his voice raising. "That fucking liar!"

"Don't get mad at him," Frank begged, "He helped me, he told me things. But not everything, Marilyn, who's Gerard?"

"I don't know," He shrugged.

"Mikey told me he was your brother and you two are cousins with Gerard. Please, let me talk with him? I'm having these flashbacks and memories with Gerard and I- please?"

"Um..." Gerard trailed off, "No. But wait! Where was Gerard?" He bit his lip, "In the flashbacks? Was he with anyone?"

"Yes..." Frank nodded, "I think it was me..."

Marilyn smiled, "Yeah - it was you." He furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm just wondering why these are just now appearing..."

"So you know something about this then?" Frank asked, his whole body peeking up at the news he was waiting for. "You can tell me?"

Gerard frowned, "I know everything about this. But I...I can't talk about this. Or at least not yet - trust me, I want to. But I can't."

Frank let out some whiny and frustrated noise as he buried his face in his hands.

"It's just, I do know Gerard, he's associated with everything and I can't do this to him...or you. I really am sorry."

Frank sighed, "You nor Gerard can tell me? You can't tell me why I can't remember my past birthdays or that kid who comes to visit with my aunt?"

"Not now," Gerard replied.

"Fine, whatever." Frank stood up. "Can you tell me why you wear makeup like me?"

"Again, no. Because it all ties to the same thing. The same thing that caused the whole accident."


Gerard remembered every last little detail from the day he met Frank to day of the accident when everything went to hell, and so on.

Every bit of it, imprinted into his brain like it all happened yesterday. It felt like it did, really.

Some parts of Gerard wished he never met Frank at the park. He wished he never changed and wished he never got stuck with the name of an emo rockstar that just so happened to have a lot in common with Gerard.

Everything would be normal if the squirt wasn't some sad an depressed pipsqueak on the swings. If his dad wouldn't have left, he most likely wouldn't have been on that swing with tears in his eyes and Gerard wouldn't have become his 'best friend' within 20 minutes of meeting him because little kids are just weird like that.

Frank shouldn't have gotten so attached to the older of them. Then he wouldn't have gotten that idea at the age of 9. That stupid fucking idea that ruined his whole life and gave him a reputation that everybody seemed to forget.

Well, it did happen five years ago. Never mind, five years ago was when the makeup became a 'phase'.

Gerard was 10 at the time and Frank was 9. They had been friends for about a year when he got the idea from some magazine that he probably shouldn't have been looking at. Nothing dirty or explicit, just way over his head.

It was like watching some movie with Johnny Knoxville in it but instead reading it. Something like that, anyway.

But Frank seemed okay with it. Because he liked Gerard just as much as vice versa.

Between them, they never thought they would end up as anything more then best friends. But it was just in case one of them moved, then they would still remember each other.

Frank didn't take well to it though. And he collapsed. His heart stopped beating for at least 10 minutes before starting back up and the paramedics were there and Gerard cried as Linda Iero tore him a new one.

The whole city knew what happened to little Frank Iero. But they didn't actually know who did it.

Until the 7th grade when Gerard heard the news and changed his look and received the nickname just for the makeup and clothes.

"You're thinking to much again, Gerard. You'll wear yourself out if you keep doing that." He looked up to his dad looking away from his newspaper. "What's wrong?"

"I um. Frank's asking questions." Gerard sighed, deciding to put it simply. "He wants to know what happened and who Gerard is."

He could see his dad nodding his head in understanding.

"I don't want to tell him, dad." Gerard cried. The black around his eyes would for sure start running down his face and mix in with the white.

"You're gonna have to though, it happened to him. It was you and him and he's the only one that doesn't know about it, it's gonna eat him up and he'll find out soon enough from someone else, don't you think?" His dad explained, "Wouldn't you rather have him hear it from you then some stranger who only knows the side told to them?"

Gerard let out a muffled sob, "Yeah, I guess."

"I mean, you can tell him anytime. Whenever you're ready. Just make sure it's before someone else gets to him first, okay?"

Gerard nodded, "Yeah, okay."

I understand how this could become confusing. I'm trying to expand the story out more so that it's not only six chapters. I need it to be longer, so be patient, children whom may be older then me..

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