Chapter Seven: Only If You Do...

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Gerard, now with a clean face stared into the bathroom mirror, said face plastered with horror as the skin on his face was way to exposed

It was gross, there was no white or black and it was the most gruesome sight ever. Gerard hated it.

"Frank!" He yelled from the closed off bathroom.

"Yes?" Frank sung from the other side.

"If I have to do this then so do you."

There was no movement or noise from the other side and Gerard sighed, he wasn't coming out of this room until Frank agreed.

"Yeah," Frank breathed. "I'll do it."


"So, what?" Pete asked, his knees pulled up to his chest. "Frank knows everything then?"

Mikey nodded and scooted onto the bed, his back leaning against the wall. "He does, well...not everything. There's still the whole ordeal with the blood -"

"What if we took him to the park?" Pete asked, "Blood stains right? So therefore, it would still be on the sidewalk - it might trigger something and he might remember -"

"No Pete," Mikey interrupted. "It's a logical idea, but if it were to trigger something then it would be like what happened at his school yesterday."

Pete sighed, "What happened at his school yesterday?"

"He fell to the ground and had a seizure-like thing, Gerard told me, and apparently it was kind of scary? He was in the hospital for a while."

"Oh..." Pete sighed, "That's bad."

Mikey nodded in agreement.

"So he does remember Gerard then? Not as Marilyn - and that they were friends at the park?"

"Yeah," Mikey confirmed, "I'm pretty sure he remembers most everything up to the day everything went to hell - which is better to be left un- mentioned right now."

Pete agreed silently and they just sat there in silence. "You wanna go see what Ray's up to?"

Mikey nodded and they both got up.


"Uh hi..." Donna greeted awkwardly, her hands were clasped tightly together in front of her as Linda glared from the other side of the counter. "I'm kind of glad you didn't change your number on me..."

Linda made some impatient noise.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I'm son did. But that was almost eight years ago...they're friends again -"

"Yeah, I know." Linda snapped, "And I don't like it one bit."

"Well," Donna sassed, her patience slowly disintegrating in front of her as she looked at the women across from her. "You can't really tell your son who he gets to be friends with anymore. He's 16, he's almost and adult -"

"Keyword: almost," Linda argued. She grabbed her purse, "Now, I don't like you so I think Frank and I will be going now." She walked to the stairs when the two boys walked out of the bathroom and the grown women gasped at the sight.

"Holy fuck!" Donna blurted as she stood just as shocked at the bottom of the stairs. "You two -"

"We look fabulous, darling. I'm quite aware," Gerard said for her and ran a hand through his short white hair.

"Gerard," Frank giggled.

"So you guys are -"

"I told you," Donna sighed. "He's starting to remember and is willing to be friends with Gerard again."

"Wait; Willing? Is it really as bad as everyone is making it out to be?" Frank asked with wide eyes that were for once for as long as he could remember, not covered in black makeup.

"Yeah," Gerard bit his lip. "But sugar, we talked about this - I'll tell you soon."

Frank huffed but nodded nonetheless.

"So...are you two just gonna ditch the makeup now?" Linda asked, she seemed to still be dwelling on the fact that her son was from a white and black movie.

"No!" Frank let out a terrified gasp. "How could you - no!"

"Same," Gerard shrugged. "That makeup is apart of me and me not wearing that would be like taking a knife and cutting off my face, nu-uh, no thank you."

"Descriptive," Frank nodded and looked over to Gerard who's hand seem to link with Frank's at some point. "What the?" He lifted their hands up.

"Sh..." Gerard shushed, "Just go along with it."


"See? Before Frank even started school here again, I warned him not to be friends with...what's his name again?"

"Gerard," Mikey answered.

"Right, Gerard." Ray nodded, "If he listened to me, then they wouldn't be in this mess. We, wouldn't be in this mess."

Mikey shrugged his shoulders, "I feel the complete opposite though, I mean, he should know what happened to him - Pete, what do you think?"

"Not to choose sides or anything, but yeah - Frank Iero should know about the missing jigsaw pieces to his unfinished puzzle."

Mikey chuckled, "Deep."

"I know right." Pete nodded and crossed his arms, "Is that Frank up there?" He jutted his chin out at the short figure walking outside.

"Yeah," Mikey and Ray replied at the same time and took off into a run so they could catch up to him.

"Frank!" Pete shouted. And then remembered that Frank didn't know him.

He looked towards the three of them though, despite not knowing the voice.

"Damn son," Mikey whistled when he saw Frank's face. "You look hot without all the makeup on -" He grunted when both Ray and Pete's elbows elbowed him in both his sides. "Ow..."

"Thanks?" Frank blushed and glanced at Pete. "Who're you?"

"Ray and Mikey's friend. I'm awesome, so therefore you and I are now friends, okay?"

Frank giggled and nodded, "Sure."

"So..." Ray trailed off. "What's with the new look?"


His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed to the ground, a terrible 'thump' sound echoing through the air as his body laid limp on the warm, and uncomfortable sidewalk.

Gerard stared down at him, tear clouded eyes and paling skin as his hands slowly came up to cover his mouth.

Frank grimaced as he watched himself faint and Gerard cry. But he wasn't exactly sure what was going on.

Blood pooled from the unconscious body and Gerard's sobs only got louder as did the sirens of the oncoming ambulance that was speeding down the road.

Where did the blood come from? How come Gerard wasn't effected? There wasn't a weapon that caused this, except a small blood covered piece of metal on the ground...

Did Gerard purposely hurt Frank like that?

For All Those Who Are Confused (I'm Sorry)

I'm depressed as fuck and my arms sorry if there are errors...

Im a shit and I don't know how to stop being one...

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