Touka...? Lied? - CCGTG 9

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I look at him in pure shock as he releases me, "K-Kaneki?" He nods, "I need you to come with me." I pause and frown, "why?" Before he can respond, we both hear a teasing voice, "Anna-Chan~!" Then a creepy giggle.

I frown, "I can't right now Kaneki. I have to do someth-." He grabbed my hand, "it's Touka-Chan." I pale slightly and nod quickly, "alright. Lead the way." He nods and starts pulling me away from Suzuya' voice.

I only take one glance back, regretting it immediately. What I see makes my heart wrench in guilt.

Suzuya was watching us with a look of abandonment on his face. I smiled weakly and mouthed, "I'll be back."

Before I could see his response, I was picked up. I yelped softly and looked up at Kaneki, "wh-what was that for?" He smiles and blushes a little, "sorry. We'll get there faster if I carry you." It was then that I noticed we were free falling.

My face sent pale and I gripped Kaneki' shirt tightly, he smiled more as he landed and we kept running. "It's alright Dianna-Chan." He mumbled softly.

We arrive in under 10 minutes. Kaneki puts me down, helping me walk. My ankle was hurt but it's already feeling better, I can't let Kaneki know that though or he'll suspect something. We enter Touka's job and I blink, "Touka?" I glance at Kaneki. "Where's Touka?"

"Next to you," I hear her voice and smile. Turning to her, the smile drops off my face. "Wh-What....?" She was glaring at me. "What's wrong?" I asked and took a step back, bumping into Kaneki by accident.

"You never responded to me. You never called to tell me you were okay. I haven't seen you in a week!" I flinch at her tone, "s-sorry... I've just been...busy."

Her eyes narrow, "don't join the CCG." My face pales, "h-how do you kn-know....?" She frowned, "how would any person know unless they were-." I cut her off, "a-a ghoul....?" I laugh nervously, "T-Touka this i-i-isn't funny."

She shakes her head, "I'm not trying to be funny. I'm serious and Kaneki, Hinami, Nishiki, everyone you see that works here is a ghoul." My breathing speeds up and I glance behind me at Kaneki, he had his eye patch off and his eyes was red. I paled and moved, falling onto my butt. "Get away from me!" I hissed.

Touka reached a hand out, "Dianna-Chan. I know you're a ghoul. I can tell." I back away from her in panic, "stay away from me! You just want to kill me too!" I hiss and tear up, "you're just like him! Ghouls who kill and lie and-." I shut up as a sharp smack sounds around the room.

Looking at Touka, I place my hand on my red cheek. "We are not liars and we don't kill people, I've been friends with you all these years and you want to ruin that because I'm a ghoul?" She asks me angrily. I look down in shame, "Mr. O'Hara was nice to me too. He tried to kill me." I bite my lip, "how do I know you won't do the same?"

Touka smiled a little and bent down, hugging me tightly. "Because we're best friends. I'd kill another ghoul before I let them hurt you." I nod and hug her back weakly.

Kaneki has his eye patch back on as he kneels beside me. "Hide isn't a ghoul. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I never thought you'd be a ghoul." He frowned and stood back up. "I'm really sorry for scaring you too."

I bite my lip softly, "it's okay Kaneki. I-I just....freaked...." I mumble and sigh, "please don't be upset." He nods and pats my head gently. "Though, we called you here for a different reason. Dianna-Chan, you're part of the CCG. Can you work for us too?" I cringe as I think of how Suzuya looked when I left.

"No, I couldn't do that," I sighed softly as I reject Touka' offer. "I have a friend least I consider him that..." Kaneki' fist clench just slightly but I don't notice. "I'm sorry but I have to go now." I move to leave but stop as Touka grabs my arm. "You won't tell them right?" I shake my head, "I promise."

She smiles a little and let's me go, I look at my hand and notice a necklace around my wrist. "'s beautiful..." I mumbled softly and she smiles. "I wanted to give it to you before but now would probably be better. You promised, this will remind you to keep your promise."

I slowly nod and hug her tightly, "thanks...bye." I back away and out the shop, turning and running in the direction of the picnic I was at recently. "Suzuya!" I call and look around with a frown. "Suzuya...?"

He wasn't there, I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest. "He'll be back...." I mumble softly and close my eyes tiredly, "I know he will..." I start to drift off, my last thought is of Suzuya.

'He always does.'

~End of Chapter~

Herro and good mornting to my lovely Nutellas~. I shall post an Angel Unknown chapter soon after this. Thanks to all who stick with me, even with my slow updates!

Reaper- She actually has it wri- nmdjamyph!

*smirks* he didn't have anything to say. >:3




Ja ne my delirious little Nutellas~!


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