Surpressed Love - CCGTG 11

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I jolt awake. 'Whaaa....?' I look around frantically before realizing I was once again in Suzuya's, this place is like a giant room but at the same time it's the only part of the 'house' that I've been into and it looks big enough to be the house since the kitchen, bed, and a couch. The only thing that was in a seperate room was the bathroom, even then I don't get enough privacy to say the walls are relevant.

Sitting up, I groan feeling an extremely painful headache hit me at full force. "Ugh..." I look around me to see if Suzuya is here, he's not. I remember him taking me out that place, I shiver at the memory of Dr. Hiroji's smile. I never want to see that man again in my life but that would be inevitable seeing that I have to continue with these tests to be a part of the CCG.

I move my arm, letting out a small hiss of pain. Looking down at the injured limb, I see that it was cut messily and from one side to another. Instead of blood and open wounds though, I see X's that sow me back together. I grab the pillow case off a pillow and tie my arm into a sling.

"My smart Anna-Chan~!" I hear Suzuya's voice and freeze slightly, a cold glare makes its way onto my face as I turn to face Suzuya. "Don't call me that, you shouldn't even be near me after letting that monster do as he wished. I ha-." A loud smack resonates around the room and I feel a burning sensation rise in my cheek. "Haven't I told you before not to speak to me like that? I saved you from that man ater you were close to passing out. If anything you should be grateful." His voice is cold and his face is hard (not the only thing that's hard xD).

Tears prick my eyes, "but you were the one that took me there! You could've at least warned me about what I'd be facing and been in the room! You left me!" He tackled me and I whimpered at the force he placed on my arm, he didn't relent, if anything he placed more pressure. I cried out and he glared down at me, "I never left you, I was in the room beside you watching and I'm the only reason that man stopped! I didn't want to disturb your sleep when I found you and didn't get to warn you! That is what I did for you!" His eyes were starting to get a crazed look and I knew I should've stopped but I just had to say that last thing.

"Oh so you just watched while he cut my arm open then? You're just as sadistic and sick as that doctor!" I instantly regretted my words when I saw Suzuya's stance; his hair covered his eyes, a crazy smile lined his lips and his nails dug into my skin as he pressed his full weight on me and caused me even more pain. "You're right..." His smile broke into a grin, "I am just as sick as that man and I am just as sadistic as him." He finally moved to looked at me, his eyes swimming with a madness that I wasn't expecting.

"You forget the part about you belonging to me. As my toy and my toy only." His words hurt worse than the slap that still throbbed on my cheek, I knew he thought of me as his possession but I didn't think he thought of me as a toy. "I am no one's to-." I feel his hand circle around my neck in a death grip. "As I said, you're my toy and only I'm aloud to cause you pain." He leaned down to my parted lips that were begging for air and he pressed his own soft lips to mine.

Call it crazy but if I weren't choking to death from his grip then I would have completely enjoyed that kiss. He released my neck but his face was in the way of my breathing and I began to thrash around in his hold. He bit my bottom lip until he drew blood and began to drink my blood greediy before pulling away.

He smirked as I gasped for air, looking up at him. "Ne, Anna-Chan, did you know I had trouble controlling myself around you? I want to hear you scream in pain and beg for me to stop placing you in a near death state." I whimpered weakly as he leaned down and nuzzled his face into my neck. "You smell good enough to eat," he sighs. "If only I were a ghoul." He chuckles and climbs off of me, leaving me to cradle my bruised and bloody arm.

"You're food is on the table Anna-Chan, the most recent amputation leg for dinner." He stated this without emotion, a cold chuckle escaping him, the description itself making me want to throw up. I watched as he left the room, not able to see his face because his back was facing me. I wanted to cry, scream, to run for my life but I couldn't. He'd find me, with all his twisted and sadistic ways he'd torture me once he did finally get to me.

I curl up and cry, listening to the door locking slowly, sealing me in this miserable cage.

If only I had known his thoughts, then maybe I could've returned his love. I didn't though and only think of him as a cruel beast. If only I had known that he didn't just have to suppress his urge to hurt me...

He also had to surpress his love for me.

~End of Chapter~

Hello my Delirious Little Nutellas and happy Veteran's Day! Sorry I've been MIA for so long but I'm gonna try to at least update a few of my books.

Reaper- She's in bed and sore from her first track practice, she was the only one that couldn't keep running.

REAPER! >.< So what, I'll get better. xp

Reaper- When?

*pouts* I dunno yet. By tomorrow, I have another meet then.

Reaper- Wish her luck. She needs it.




Ja ne my Delirious Little Nutellas!


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