Pain, Anger, and Decisions - CCGTG 15

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Okay so I love how Wattpad put the 'to be continued...' thing at the bottom of the stories that need to be updated now on a laptop. Though I hate how they keep changing my categorization on my stories for no reason. >:( Jerks. Anyway, back to the story~!


My throat was so dry...I felt like I was struggling to get air into my lungs, even after Kaneki had released me. It was horrible, it is horrible. My eyes struggled to stay open as I laid on the ground, looking at the two males I knew facing each other. Both fully prepared to kill one another. 'I don't want that though...I've never wanted that.' I open my mouth to tell them to stop but the words can't seem to escape my lips.

'I'm supposed to be strong, I have to get up and stop them. I have to stop them right now!' I scowl inwardly as I look at them. 'If Kaneki kills Suzuya, I won't have anyone there that understands anymore. If Suzuya kills Kaneki...I won't be able to hangout with him and Hide anymore...They were the only ones at the college who weren't cruel to me. They didn't try to constantly hurt me. Hide even remembered me! I can't let Kaneki die, I can't do that to myself.'

I wish I could, but with the black spots clouding my vision; I won't even be able to manage staying awake. My eyes shut and the two people I wish would get along most, disappear from my sight to fight a battle between one another.

3rd P.O.V

Kaneki's kagune clashed with Suzuya's scythe with no restraint. 'Kill them...Kill them all until you find Dianna-Chan! Show them the pain you suffer the most from!' Rize screams angrily in Kaneki's mind. Kaneki, agrees wholeheartedly and attacks Suzuya immediately. 

Kaneki doesn't hesitate for a moment as his kagune aims to kill Suzuya. Suzuya, jumps back narrowly avoid Kaneki's kagune and opens his shirt, revealing his knives. He throws the first 5, all striking Kaneki in the stomach and easily drawing blood. Kaneki coughs up blood but yanks out all of the knives. "Is that all? If you aren't careful I may just...slice her throat."

It was then that Suzuya noticed Kaneki's tendrils dangerously close to Diana's body. "No!" He hissed angrily as the one tendril moved to stab, aimed at her throat. Suzuya threw a knife, that barely scratched said tendril. "What's wrong dove? Feeling the panic rise?" Kaneki asked tauntingly, aiming a different tendril at Suzuya to hinder him from getting closer to Diana.

"Dammit!" Suzuya hissed with untold anger and worry, he was running out of options to get to Diana and he knew this ghoul would kill her easily. He wanted the ghoul to kill her, so that the ghoul could suffer unimaginable pain when he realized he was the one that had killed the very person he was searching so hard for.

But he couldn't allow it.

How could he let her go? Why would he spite a ghoul only to hurt himself? Would it all really be worth such a horrible cost? No. He knew it wouldn't it was the very reason he'd continue to fight the ghoul to his last breath. He wouldn't-no, he couldn't live without her.

He used his scythe, attacking and leaving a deep gash in the tendril attacking him, moving quickly while the ghoul was growling in pain and attacking the tendril that hadn't moved but was hovering dangerously close to Diana's neck. Suzuya wondered for a moment why the ghoul had not yet attacked the girl; but not having much time to think about it, he just cut into the tendril, leaving yet another deep gash that was bound to hurt and he was proven right as a scream erupted from the ghoul that dare try to kill his Dianna. 

Suzuya grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. "Kaneki..." He heard her mumble, "please...don't hurt each other." Her eyes were slightly open and Suzuya frowned. "I'm sorry Anna-chan but that ghoul isn't someone you should worry or care about. He's just using you." Suzuya spoke softly as he ran behind and building and put her down, looking her in the eyes. "He does care..." She mumbled softly. "No he doesn't he and those other ghouls you met up with that one day gave you a necklace that could kill you if you took it off! The CCG uses those on any ghouls they capture for information before they kill them!"

Suzuya's shouting had caught the attention of the still raging ghoul and it only took a second for the ghoul to break a side of the building with its kagune, causing rubble to rain down. "Diana!" Suzuya shouted and hugged Diana's body close to his own, protecting her from the debris. ""

Diana's P.O.V

"Suzuya...?" I mumble softly and move a little, wincing. 'My arm...' I look down and see that my arm is twisted into an awkward position. "Suzu....?" I wince as the rubble covering us goes flying. Suzuya is unconscious, at least I hope he is. He's bleeding badly from his head and his back. Tears fall from my eyes and slide down my cheeks and I bring up my good arm to touch them. "My..mask, oh no..." I mumble softly and try to grab Suzuya's arm when he's suddenly thrown off me. "Suzuya!" I scream worriedly and  try to grab his arm, missing by an inch. 

"Suzuy-!" I'm cut of as a large tentacle wraps around my arms and waists, trapping me and yanking me out of the pile of rubble. "Kaneki..." I whisper with tears falling and see Suzuya lying with it seemed to be a few broken bones a few feet away. "Diana-chan..." I hear Kaneki ask softly and my gaze moves back to him, this time with anger and pain. His kagune is pressing my broken arm tightly to my side and it really hurts. "How could you?" I ask and glare at him through angry tears I hadn't noticed forming. 

"Diana-chan what do you mean? I came here to sav-." I cut him off, not feeling my broken arm or really anything other than anger now. "You hurt him! You hurt Suzuya! You've hurt all these people and for what?! So that you could find me before Suzuya told me the truth?! That you've been using me?! Been playing as a friend for that sorry girl that no one ever remembers?!" I cry out angrily and Kaneki looks at me in shock.

"Diana-chan, I would neve-." I cut him off once again. "Enough! I'm sick and tired of being lied to by people who call themselves 'kind'. Who say they fucking care for me! I'm done! You hurt the only person who cared for me, truly cared and I'm going to kill every asshole that has hurt me." I hiss with anger. "Starting, with you!"


*hides* I love you my nutellas.

Reaper- The hunt, HAS BEGUN! *pulls out sniper*

Hey! I'm typing this while I'm supposed to be doing wor-! *bullet flies past my head* Ep! *runs and hides again*





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