Dr. Hiroji - CCGTG 10

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Touka's P.O.V

"I'm so sorry Dianna-Chan...." I whisper softly as I watch her leave. I glance at Kaneki, who is also watching her figure disappear into the night with a look I don't recognize. "What's wrong Kaneki-kun?" I ask simply, knocking him out of whatever trance he's in. "Huh? Oh, nothing. I just wish we didn't have to spy on her like this." He stated and sighed, something tells me he was lying.

"I know, she's my best friend and to do this to her....." I mumbled and turn, walking up the steps. "You're best friend and my hopes at love." He mumbled. I turned back curiously, "what'd you say?" He shook his head and I frowned but shrugged it off. 'Maybe I misheard?'

Dianna P.O.V

I open my eyes and look around, letting out a soft yawn. Rubbing my eyes, I look around again. My eyes widening with each glance. "Wh-Where....?" I mumble shakily and sit up, I can't. "Wh-Why am I-I strapped down?" I whisper to myself, becoming more nervous with each passing moment.

I'm in a room, the entire room is white, there's a white table but I can't tell what's on it and the lights are so bright, it makes the white blend more. I hear a door open and I bite my lip, "S-Suzuya?" I call softly and hear a soft chuckle, my blood turning to ice as tears pricked my eyes.

"Wh-Who are you? Where's Suzuya?" I demand, more like whimper. The man walks over, holding a needle. "This is the start of your agreement ghoul. I'm just going to take your blood but don't worry, I'm a professional."

I look at the needle and turn pale, 'I don't care if he's a professional. By the time he's done I'll probably be in more pain than I've ever been in. I can already tell he hates me!' I panic inwardly and look at him. "How did I get here?" I ask, stalling.

"Hm? Oh, you're friend bought you here. The one you called for, that irritating child." I almost hiss but I'm too hurt at his words. 'Suzuya brought me here....?' I feel a tear slip from my eye and the man chuckles. "Ah, the tears of betrayal. He's watching now, I'm going to fill you with holes."

I can't help but panic and pull on the restraints. 'Suzuya wouldn't leave me here to be in pain! He wouldn't! I know he wouldn't!' An uncontrollable amount of tears begins to fall from my eyes as the man chuckles. "I'm Hiroji-san. You may simply call me doctor."

I glare through my tears, I can't fight him. If I do, my kagune will show and I'd be killed by other members of the CCG. He smirks and pulls on gloves, picking up the needle. 'I actually thought he cared for me.' My last thought before my pain begins.

Suzuya's P.O.V

I watch as they speak, I can't hear a word they're saying. "Why is this glass soundproof and why do I have to be on this side?" I ask Shinohara, almost having anger in my voice but keeping it monotone. He already could tell I was upset when I brought her in, I didn't even get to explain to her because she was sleep. Now she's with that psychopath. Not worse than me of course but still bad for her.

'At least I don't hurt her.' I glared through the glass as she starts to cry, "I want to go in..." I mumble, a low hiss escaping my lips. "Suzuya-." I cut him off with a cold, crazed gaze.

"I said, I want to go in." His face goes pale for a moment but he slowly nods and walks out the door, getting me the authorization I need. I enter and hear Anna-chan screaming. 'I caused this,' that's all I can think as I walk over.

The scum beside her is sticking her with a needle and apologizing each time, the needle was larger than it should have been. Her arm was also cut open, I'm no idiot. I know you only have to pierce the vein but he cut open different parts of her arm only to see where he could make it hurt her most. The vial attached to the needle was full, meaning he didn't use the sedative and he got her blood in the other half.

I glare at him and he freezes, he hasn't even seen me but the room's temperature drops. "Leave," I growl at him and watch the poor excuse of a man scurry out the room. I walk over to her and caress her cheek, she looks pale. Her arm was soaked in her own blood. I pick her up and hold her close, leaving the room.

Her eyes that were bright before, are dull as they close. "Suzu...ya..." I hear her small whisper and it hurts me to know I let that thing near her. I carry her out and back to my house, stitching up her wounds. I clean off the blood and smile at the stitches, "mine...." I mumble to myself and trail my finger over the long path of X's.

~End of Chapter~

Hey lovlies~! I'm actually at work while I'm writing this! XDDDD My job has no idea I'm writing. They probably think I'm texting a boy.

Reaper- No one thinks you're texting a boy. -_-

T~T So cruel.




Ja ne my Delirious Little Nutellas~!


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