Chapter Four (Edited)

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The blades slicing through the air above me was my own personal dark lullaby. I tried to fight my eyelids , knowing that the second I succumbed to the darkness I would be plagues with nightmares. Every night I would fight my eyelids. I would fight the medicine that they pumped into my I.V. But sleep always wrapped its slender fingers around me and pulled me under.

I felt sleeps fingers wrapping their way around me, but I still struggled against the pull. Two years ago I used to love the long slender fingers of sleep that cradled me softly. Pulling me under and letting me escape from all of my troubles. I would dream of telling my mother what was actually happening. I would work up the courage to actually be able to do it. And she would realized that Jeff was the reason behind all my bruises and why I flinched every time I heard a loud noise. She would then wish me away to an Island where we would drink out of CoCo nuts on the beach as we listened to Enya and absorbed the suns rays.

My dreams took a turn after I finally worked up the courage to tell my mother, only to have her tell me that I needed to stop being so over dramatic, that I needed to stop lying and try and support my step father for once in my life. I was eighteen and had finally graduated High School. My inheritance would finally be accessible to me, as that was my fathers once stipulation, that I finished High School. I would dream of escaping to London for college. Renting a nice flat in London and working on a degree in English Literature. I had always wanted to go to college in London. It didn't matter what college would take me, I just needed to get as far away from this hell hole as possible.

There had been a few nightmares mixed in with the dreams of my escape. But the last week or so, sleep came with a price. Horrible flashbacks and Nightmares would haunt me as I slept.

I couldn't fight sleep any longer as the combination of the sound of the blades cutting the air above me and the medicine they had pumped into my I.V. finally pulled me under. This dream was no different from the other ones that I had this past week.

"Bryn.." Jeff whispered softly. His fingers brushed my hair away from my face, softly caressing my cheek.

"You were doing so well my dear..." His fingers had moved down from my face to my bare shoulders. His nails curling into my shoulders as I saw his eyes darken.

"But then my dear." His left hand went to wrap around my neck as closed the distance between our faces. The mask that I always wore whenever he was around slipped as I smelt the odor of tobacco and spirits. This couldn't be good. "You had to go tell your mother about our time together." He whispered.

I shouldn't have tried to tell my mother. It seemed like I had just dug myself into a deeper grave as I felt him release me completely before going over to my closet. My closet wasn't just for clothes. Jeff had installed a false wall in the back of my closet where he could place all the toys that he would use.

I felt a single tear slip down my cheek as I watched him push aside the false wall and pull out some thin cords and one of his smaller whips. I squeezed my eyes together and couldn't seem to suppress the small whimper that escaped my lips.

"You did this to your self darling." I heard him continue to dig in my closet. "Go lay on your bed, the usual position."

I knew if I wanted this to end quickly I needed to obey him. In the beginning I had tried to fight back. Kick, punch, scream, bite, anything that would stall him from inflicting his punishment on me. With shaky legs I made my way over to my bed and removed the clothes that I had been wearing. Letting them fall to the floor soundless before crawling into be and laying face down, my arms and legs spread.

He made quick work of tying my legs and arms to the headboard and footboard. The smell of tobacco grew stronger, signaling the session was just starting. I took a shaky inhale before biting down onto my pillow, trying to steal myself against the onslaught of pain to come.

The feeling of the whip running over my back made me involuntarily shiver. He wasted no time, bringing to down hard and fast on my already scared back. Tears stained my pillow as he continued to whip me. All along mumbling on how he was just trying to make me the prefect woman. How I had only done this to myself. That he was just doing what any good father would do....

My eyes flew open as I was violently thrown against the side of my bed rail. Scanning my surroundings I realized I was still in the helicopter, though we were no longer air born. It was still night time right? The amount of lights that poured in though the large windows of the helicopter could've fooled anyone into believing that it was quite possibly some time in the afternoon.

The drugs that the doctors had given me were still circulation in my system, making it hard too keep my eyes open for too long. Letting my head fall back against the pillow I watched the man who had flown the helicopter make his way back to me.


The rocking motion and the sudden onslaught of cool wind caused my eyes to flutter open. Deep blue eyes stared down at me. I hadn't seen those eyes in years. I felt tears well up in my eyes, throwing my arms around my neck, despite my protesting ribs, I clung to him. Tears rolled down my cheeks and onto his coat as I let out loud sobs. All the emotions that I had hid away from the doctors and the nurses over the past week burst forth. The feeling of abandonment as my mother never came to say goodbye to me. My father held me tightly to his chest as I felt his body shake with sobs.

"Bryn! Oh my sweet baby." His grip on me tightened to the point where it hurt to breath, his fingers dug into my back and shoulders. I felt the panic rising in my throat. I couldn't escape. My hands started shaking as I began to violently thrash against my fathers embrace.

My surroundings started to melt away, slowly becoming the soft blue walls of my bedroom. The arms crushing me to their chest were Jeffs arms.

Oh God.

I had known it was too good to be true. This was all just a dream. My mother hadn't actually found us. I had just passed out from the pain. How sick and twisted was my subconscious to make me believe I was finally away form Jeff. I saw his dark eyes gleam as they looked down at me. His lips curved up, forming a twisted smirk. The overwhelming stench of tobacco had me howling in desperation. How could I do this to myself? How could I allow myself to think I was ever free when I knew he would always be there.

No matter how far I tried to run. No matter where I tried to hide. No matter what he would find me. I couldn't even hid in my mind anymore without being plagued with the thoughts of him.

I felt his grip tighten around me even more as I tried to free my arms. But those eyes seemed to darken even more, to the point where I could no longer tell the purple apart form the iris. It caused my body to go into full blown panic.

My foot made solid contact with his shin. Causing him to grunt and loosen his grip on me slightly. I quickly freed one of my arms and brought my hands up to his face. Dragging my nails down his cheeks to his chin. Angry red lines followed in the wake of my fingers as I continued to attack him. Kicking, scratching, biting anything I could just to try and get free.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around my wrist, preventing me from continuing my assault. Jeff had never once invited anyone to watch or participate. He had told me time and time again that I was his. And that no man would ever get the privilege of seeing something that was his.

My eyebrows knit together in confusion. What was going on? The walls of my room seemed to shimmer. I looked around me only to find that my room was completely empty except for my bed. I stared up at Jeff and saw his eyes flash blue for a second. What? I looked at the hand that was attached to my wrist and followed the arm that it was connected to.

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