Chapter Fourteen (Edited)

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After a rather awkward walk and elevator ride down to the underground parking garage, Jameson led me over to a sleek gray looking car. I had never seen the logo before, but I stopped when I saw the door handle. Or lack of door handle.

I knew who was behind me even before I actually felt his touch. Before I saw his reflection in the window of the car. His body lightly pressed against my back as he pressed the silver rectangle. I wasn't even paying attention to the handle anymore. I was waiting for panic to start coursing through my system. But there was that unfamiliar feeling that seemed to ignite in my veins.

I meet his eyes in the reflection of the window. Why was I so incredibly drawn to him? How hands came up to skim along my arms. I cursed the cold weather that had forced me to put a coat on. Because in this moment, I just wanted to feel his skin on mine.

It was like he heard my thoughts. "Mo chroí" He murmured softly.

I didn't know if what happened a yesterday actually happened. But I was dying to know if thats what he actually felt like.

I heard Jameson groan before my world spun. My back was pressed against the cool metal of the car while Jameson loomed over me. Both of his hands were placed on either side of my head as he stared down at me. There was an unreadable look in his eyes as his body hovered over mine. God there couldn't be more than an inch between us. The undefined feeling in my veins seemed to rise at the thought of his body completely covering mine.

"Do you know how hard it is?" Jameson muttered as he tilted his head to the side, his eyes roaming over my face. "Do you?" he repeated as one of his hands moved to stroke along my jaw.

"Jameson" I meant to just say his name, but it came out breathy. His eyes seemed to darken at my declaration.

"Say it again." He demanded softly.

I eagerly obliged as his thumb ran across my lower lip. "Jameson."

Another groan passed through his lips as he stared down at me. His once bright green eyes, were now impossibly dark. As the moment stretched on I thought he was going to pull away from me, there was a battle going on in his mind. And I could see it.

"I'm sor- ahh" I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips as his body pushed against mine. I couldn't feel his toned muscles, or feel his body heat. But the fact that I could feel him pinning me against the car made my lower abdomen tighten.

His face hovered over mine as he spoke softly. "You never have to apologize to me, Agra"

"Who?" My mind was in a fog of the unknown emotion as his lips gently brushed over mine.

"My native tongue." His lips moved over mine as he spoke.

"Jameson" Was all I could manage to say as he kissed the corner of my mouth.

"Mo chroí, If you keep saying my name like that.." He trailed off as he softly brushed his lips against mine, before gently kissing the opposite corner of my mouth.

It finally hit me, the emotions, the feelings. It was Desire, Lust, Longing. Every single emotion I thought I would never have for a man. Emotions that left me defenseless. Panic lanced its way into my heart as I started up at this desirable man.

"I see that look in your eyes Agra. I swear to you. I would never hurt you. I never will hurt you. Just let me in. Please." He begged, he had leaned back slightly so our lips didn't brush when we talked. I couldn't help but feel slightly cold without the feeling.

I felt an internal battle arise inside me. There was proof, there was mound of evidence as to why I shouldn't let him in. As to why I shouldn't trust him. If I closed my eyes I could see the mans face who littered my body with scars. But there was no deny that Jameson made me feel things I had never felt before. In all honesty I thought I would never feel these emotions. But this green eyed Angel. Or really devil. Had done something to worm his way past my defenses. It was with this in mind, that I made my decision, It wasn't final. But I had made my decision.

"Take me somewhere." I said softly, peering up into his eyes.

"What?" His features matched his tone. He was confused.

"Take me somewhere. I.." I paused. "Nothing is set in stone. I need you to know that. But I'll try."

"You'll try?" He questioned.

"I'll try letting you in."

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