Chapter Thirteen(Edited)

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I promise the short chapters are coming to an end soon! 

I was brought back from my flashback of events earlier on this morning when Jack brought his hand down on the desk in front of me. I couldn't help the yelp that escaped my lips.

"For the past twenty minutes you have been blushing and staring off into space. Care to share whats more important then the lecture I'm giving?" Jack inquired, there was a secretive smile that played on his lips as he leaned on the large desk.

After this mornings little- ahem- incident. Jameson had flicked his wrist in a vague direction. Telling me, Jack would be helping me today in the study. Having no clue where the study was, I had stumbled around a bit till Jack had found me. He had try to pry from me what had happened. Seeing how I was still red faced and a bit shaky. I had shook my head and received another secretive smile from Jack.

"It's nothing." I clipped.

"Oh, come on." He replied. "What happened to put you in such a flustered mood?"

"I'm not flustered." I narrowed my eyes at him as I replied.

"Your breathing has been erratic, your cheeks have been flushed the whole entire time, and I have absolutely no doubt in the world. That if I could listen to your heart beat right now. I would hear it beating erratically." A full blown smirk stretched across my lips as I started up at him, doe eyed.

"I saw Jameson in the shower" I blurted out.

Jack raised a single dark eyebrow. " You saw him in the shower." He repeated.

"I wasn't snooping or anything like that. My shower wouldn't turn on this morning and I found a shower a few doors down from me. It was the one that's closed in and I guess he couldn't see me in the shower." I babbled, an even deeper blush covering my cheeks. "And when he saw me, he.." I waved my hand, to embarrassed to continue.

There was a horribly long stretch of silence, where Jack just stared down at me. I cleared my throat and shifted awkwardly in the chair.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't appropriate. You asked what was wrong and I just.." I trailed off with a sigh.

"Can I ask you a strange question?" Jack finally spoke.

I looked up at him, seeing a worried look cross his face." Uh, I mean. I guess?"

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

"I don't see how this pertains to the book." I replied, lifting up a copy of The Great Gatsby.

"Humor me." The same worried expression was plastered across his face.

"Uh, No. By the time I was old enough to date.." I nervously tore at a hang nail on my thumb, not wanting to continue the sentence.

"Have you ever kissed a boy?" Jack pressed.

"Why are you so concerned about my love life. Or rather, lack of love life." I questioned back.

"Am I not allowed to try and get to know you?" He shot back.

I leaned back in my chair and cocked an eyebrow at him. "So rather than ask me a normal question, like what's my favorite color. You ask me about my love life."

"I've learned something in my lifetime." Jack said as he came back over and sat on the edge of the desk. "If you want to be memorable, you can't ask the usual question."

Someone clearing their throat broke our eye contact. My head whipped around to see Jameson at the doorway. The green sweater he wore only brought out the green in his eyes even more. And the way his jeans clung to his hips would cause any sane girl to sigh dreamily. And knowing what lay underneath the sweater. Pure inked muscle.

I bit my bottom lip and watched him push the selves of his sweater up. God what I would do to just be able to feel his arms around me. What in hells name was I thinking?! I let my head dropped into my hands and groaned.

"If you don't feel like you're up to it. I can always push the appointment back." Jameson said.

"What" I questioned confused.

"I was just saying we needed to get going. Your therapist appointment is in forty-five minutes." He said slowly, a worried look in his eyes.

"Oh, no. I'm ready to go. I just zoned out." I responded getting up from my chair. 

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