Chapter Five (Edited)

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My eyes clashed with emeralds. That was the only way to describe the intense color of his eyes. Long dark lashes framed the gems stones, enhancing their mesmerizing quality. Sharp cheekbones and cupids bow lips only seemed to make this man even more inhumanly handsome.

Was I in heaven? Had Jeff Finally done the unthinkable and killed me. His grey curls moved softly in an invisible breeze. Grey? Upon closer inspection I saw think bits of white that seemed to sticking to his black hair. What was going on?

The angel's lips seemed to be moving. My eye lids fluttered as I tried to understand what the heavenly creature was trying to say to me. I hadn't realized Jeff had let go of me until I felt the angel tug me closer to him. With nothing holding me back I took a hesitant step towards him.

"Bryn.." The angel whispered.

The walls of my bedroom shuttered before completely fading away. I almost yelped when I was meet by bright lights and the sound of traffic and people below us. Almost. I felt the mask slip back on my face as I slowly took in my surroundings. The angel In front of me was giving me a weary look.

"Honey?" I heard my father's voice behind me. Turning my head I saw the damage I had done. If it wasn't for my carefully placed mask, I would've gasped. Long welts ran down the sides of his face. Some of the welts seemed to have drawn blood. But my face remained emotionless as I took in the damage I had inflicted to my fathers face.


"Is she okay? She just stood there, staring at you." I heard a voice whisper.

"She's been through a lot. I thought it would've been best if she was surrounded by people she knew. If I knew it was this bad I would've told the doctors to keep her for another week." Another voice replied.

"People she knew? Robert, you haven't seen her in how long? Not to mention she's never meet Caroline or myself. She should've stayed with her mom." Said the first voice.

"Jameson, Her mother called me. She didn't even give me the option. She just said that I had to take her or she would admit her to the psychiatric hospital. A freaking Mental Ward! What kind of woman does that to her own child?" He hissed.

"What exactly did your ex-wife say?"

I heard a sigh and a shuffling noise. I could defiantly tell that the voice that spoke next belonged to my father.

"She said that she couldn't deal with it. That she needed time to process all of this. Either I took Bryn or she would leave her at the hospital. I didn-" He was cut off by a voice I couldn't put to a face yet.

"That woman doesn't have the right to call herself her mother." the voice hissed.

"Jameson! Heather's been through a lot. I don't agree with her decision but she was once the love of my life. And she is Bryn's mother. There won't be anymore talk about my ex wife. Not while Bryn's here." My father growled.

"But you have to admit this is an inconvenient time."

My father replied in a hushed tone " We're not going to talk about that either. I don't want to risk Bryn finding out. You know what happened to anyone who finds out about them. I honestly don't think she would be able to handle it."


I must've passed out for a while because the next time I came to I was enveloped in silky sheets. The subtle smell of chamomile and lavender wafted in the air. Whatever they had put in my I.V had really knocked me out. It was the first time in years that I hadn't dreamt.

I was meet with a pillow when I opened my eyes. I didn't remember the hospital have omg such soft pillows. I hugged the pillow tighter and inhaled the sent. The lack of beeping and the itchy feeling of the I.V. In my arm had me bolting upright.

Lush cream colored curtains hung from the slim wooden rails along the top of the four poster bed. Effectively blocking my view of the rest of the room. Hesitantly I reached out and pulled one of the curtains back. Light poured in temporarily blinding me. Closing my eyes I fought back a wave of panic that washed over me.

Closing my eyes like this would leave an opening for Jeff. He would be able to easily render me useless with one of his cords. But...he couldn't. Not anymore. My eyes flashed opened as the events of the week came crashing down on me. My mother witnessing one of Jeff's acts. The hospital room, the social worker, my mother abandoning me, my father taking me in.

I heard someone scream in the distance as the waves of panic crashed over me. Pulling me down into the dark depths. I felt his hands on my shoulders, on my neck, gripping my hair. I felt the trail of dirtiness he would leave behind after each touch. My skin turned a putrid Brown in the places he would touch. My hands shook as I saw handprints on my arms and felt the itch that came with his touch.

I needed to get him off me. I needed to get him off me now! I heard another scream, this time more shrill. My mind was so clouded with panic and the sent of tobacco it made it hard to breath. My hands desperately rubbed and scratched at the filth that covered my arms in attempts to get rid of his touch. But nothing I did seemed to work.

A loud bang had me scurrying back on my bed. Jeff had found me. If I could breath I would be gasping for air, but I could only wheeze out a breath as I heard his foot steps come closer. He wasn't waisting anytime as he ripped back the curtains to the bed.

The scream that echoed through the room was blood chilling, It was when I head that scream that I finally realized that it was me who had been screaming before. With wide eyes I took in the man who stood on the other side of the curtain. It was certainly not Jeff. With those piercing green eyes the figure effectively muted me. It was the angel from last night.

The angel stretched out a pale hand in my direction. His dark brown sweater rode up on his arms, reveling swirls of Black ink. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down at his arms.

"Angels don't have tattoos.." I whispered softly.

There was a beat of silence before he said anything.

"You think I'm an angel?" He responded?

His voice was a sinfully smooth baritone. It caused goose bumps to break out along my arms and my heart to flip flop in my chest. It seemed that my body stoped functioning the second he spoke. He was defiantly an angel, there was no way an ordinary man would be able to cause this kind of reaction.

He raised a quizzical brow at me as a devilish smile grew on his face. " You know." He started as he perched on my bed. "I've never been called an angel. A devil, the spawn of Satan, an SOB. But not once have I ever been called an Angel."

I stared at his dimpled chin a moment before answering. "There's no way that you could be a devil, or a spawn of Satan. You're just.. stunning." A full blown smirk spread across his face.

"You know demons and devils are supposed to be attractive." His hand moved closer to my leg causing my heart to flip flop in my chest again. Though not in the same way it had in earlier. "We lure people in with our looks. Just one kiss, one touch and their hooked. We make it so they would do absolutely anything for us. Even.." His emerald eyes seemed to darken as he stared me down. "Sell us their soul."

A light layer of sweat covered my forehead as I looked at him with wide eyes. Was he admitting to something? Or was he just mocking me? I clasped my hands infant of me, my knuckles turning white as I squeezed them tightly together.

"A-Are you admitting to something..?" I spoke softly, keeping my eyes trailed on his hand that was only a few mer inches from my leg. A booming laugh echoed through the room causing my head to snap up to stare at him. His hand that had been so close to my leg now grabbed at his stomach as he doubled over laughing.

"Oh sister dear. I can tell you're just going to be buckets of fun."


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