Chapter Six (Edited)

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I sat on one of the over stuffed leather chairs with my legs curled under me. The room before me, -as Jameson called it- was labeled as the informal den. Was there a formal den as well? I kept the snarky comment from leaving my lips as I took a seat where I was currently sitting.

"Do you want any coffee or anything?" the angel, who had identified himself as Jameson asked.

"I don't drink coffee.." I replied.

"I'm pretty sure thats a crime in this family." He walked over to the small bar that was built in to the far wall. It was rather handsome, dark wood with gold accents. With a large aged mirror behind it.

I couldn't hold the laughter that escaped my lips as I saw him walk over to a machine that looked like a shiny Keurig. Jameson threw a questioning look over his shoulder at me.

"I think that Keurig is the cheapest thing in the room" I said.

Jameson let out a bark of laughter. " This is a Van der Westen Speedster. It makes the best brew you'll ever taste mo chroí."

"What did you just call me?" I asked.

"Mo chroí." He stated simply before he started fiddling with the fancy Keurig. "You need to talk a little louder Mo Chroí. It makes men like me want to do unspeakable things to make you scream."

I felt my eyes get as wide as saucers as the panic started to crawl its way up my spine. I scanned the room for the closest way out, there were two doors. The one we entered and a door that led to who knows where. I don't know for sure if I could find my way back to my room. But there was at least a dozen other doorways we had passed. If I could just reach one of them..

"Bryn" My name snapped me out of my thoughts. "I swear if you still don't like coffee after having tasted this, I'm going to deny all claims that you're my family." He set a large glass mug down on the table in front of me.

It did look absolutely sinful. A thick layer of foam on the top and the sent of perfectly roasted coffee bean made my mouth water. I kept a weary eye on Jameson as he sat down across from me as I took a careful sip of the coffee.

A strange moan came from my throat as the coffee hit my tastebuds. It really was sinful. Another strange noise had me whipping my head to look at Jameson. His eyes were hooded as they took me in. The bright emeralds of his eyes had darken a few shades as he shifted forwards in his seat. My gut reaction was to shift back.

"I don't think I've ever been so jealous of coffee before." His voice came out a few octaves deeper as he continued to stare at me. His lips parted as he let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm scaring you aren't I?"

I could only nod in response to question. There was a long drawn out silence as we sipped at our coffee. He was the first one to break the silence.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"About the coffee?" I replied.

He gave me a look.

"Not about the coffee?" I guessed.

"Bryn." His voice held a great amount of exasperation.

"I honestly have no clue as to what you're referring to."

"Do you want to talk about what happe-" I cut him off before he could even finished his question.


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