Chapter Twelve(Edited)

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Converstaion started to flow easily, as Jameson went and fetched some crystal glasses filled with a dark liquid. I accepted my glass and took a sniff of it. It was defiantly alcohol. My nose wrinkled with distaste, but I didn't say anything. I learned that Jack and Shawn were pretty much some of the smartest people I would ever meet. They could be teaching at a college level, but instead they took jobs at a High School. Claiming that they preferred to work with rich spoiled brats. A look was shared between the three boys before they broke out in laughter. No doubt there was an inside joke there.

Both of them were certified to help me in all my studies that I had previously been taking. Seeing as how I was half way through with my senior year, It shouldn't be too much of a problem. The relief that washed over me, knowing that I wouldn't have to go back to a school setting. Had me slumping back into the chair.

I was laughing at one of the stories Jack was telling about one of his students excuses about why his paper was late. When Jameson got up and made his way over to where I was sitting. I tried to school my features to remain light and happy, but my heart beat seemed to increase with every step he took towards me. He leaned on the back of the chair and laughed along with the other guys at the punch line of Jack's story. His breath fanned my left ear and had a shiver racing down my spine.

"You haven't even taken a sip of that." He murmured softly, indicating to the drink I had cradled in my hands.

"I'm under age." I replied.

I could practically feel his lips on the outer shell of my ear when he responded.

"Mo chroí, taste it."

A mixture of feeling settled in my gut as I adjusted my grip on the glass.

"I-I don't drink. Even if it is the best tasting thing in the world." I stuttered out. I could feel the panic and the other undefined emotion spreading though out my body.

"Oh, Mo Chroí, I can think of something that would taste much better on my tongue."

A full blown blush broke out over my cheeks. I didn't want to read into what he was saying, because the other emotion seemed to be coursing through my veins. The sense of dread and panic couldn't seem to keep up with it .

"I think I should" I started a little too loudly. The conversation between the few other people in the room stoped as they turned to look at me. "I think I should get some sleep. After all I have a big day tomorrow." I jumped out of my chair as soon as I finished my sentence.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow." I smiled and Jack and Shawn who both shared a look before smiling back at me.

"And Jameson, If you could try and reschedule that appointment with.." I trailed off hoping he would get the hint.

"Of course." He replied as he sunk down in the chair I had occupied a few moments ago.

"Well..until tomorrow..!" I rushed and hurried out of the room...

The next day went surprisingly well.

I woke up in a decent mood. Jeff hadn't visited me in my dreams last night, so I was already off to a good start. I had taken a nice shower and washed with some fancy french soap that smelled good enough to eat. I had been handed a cup of coffee when I had walked into the kitchen this morning. Jameson had made me breakfast and, surprisingly not one inappropriate comment was made.

I bet by now you can tell this is all a horrible lie.

My morning had started with a nightmare. The detail of it I couldn't remember, but the feeling of his hands gently brushing down my neck and the sudden burning sensation of flesh, had me bolting upright.

I had slept at and odd angle, so there was a crook in my neck already. Not to mention the clothes I had slept in last night were covered in sweat and stuck to me like a second skin. I had stumbled into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Only no water came from the tap. I groaned in frustration and kicked the tiled wall.

"Ow! Fuck!" A stream of cuss words flew from my mouth as I hopped around cradling my injured foot.

There was no way in hell I was going to start my day without a shower. There had to be other bathrooms in this place. So with a change of clothes in hand, I went looking for a bathroom. It didn't take me long to stumble across another bedroom. Not paying much attentions to the surroundings, I had opened all the doors in the room, till I had found the connecting bathroom. Though, this shower didn't have a handle, it just had a fancy pad on the wall. The first couple buttons I pushed just turned music on. Finally, after I had played around with it a bit. Water shot from all direction. Soaking me and the change of clothes I had brought in.

This really wasn't my day. I trudged back to my room and grabbed random clothes form the racks. By the time I had gotten back to the bathroom It was filled with steam. The song had changed to something dark.

She's sticking needles in her skin

I turn with an ugly grin

A shiver ran down my spine as I listened to the lyrics. Who in hell's name listened to this kind of thing. I stripped of my sweating clothes and early stepped into the large shower. I walked deeper into the shower and let the water hit me from all angles. I tried to rub out the kink in my neck but the music seemed to be get louder.

Her canvas doesn't leave a lot to fantasy

But her peace of mind can't stay inside the lines

It's so confusing, the methods that she's using

She knows she shouldn't leave a mark that I can see

They lyrics, seemed to resonate deep within me. I couldn't help but to stop and listen to them. It was only when I heard the sound of the shower door closing again did I finally realize something was up.

The music seemed to fade completely into the background as adrenaline coursed through my sytem. I took several steps back till I hit a wall of the shower. Footfalls echoed in the bathroom as a vague outline,-defiantly male-walk towards me. 

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