day with Dolans

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Bella's pov

I rolled over in my bed to grab my phone and check the time. The clock read 9:20 so I detangled the blanket from my legs and eventually pushed myself out of bed. I walked downstairs to find my dad still asleep and a note from my mom sitting on our new kitchen counter.

Bella babe,
I heard that you had a date today in the park so I left $10 on your dresser in case anything catches your eye.

Forever and always,

I put down the note and smiled as I ran upstairs to get ready. I put on some Jean shorts with lace on them and a black tank top. I had grabbed the money and slipped it in my back pocket. It was only 11 by the time I was ready so I decided to draw while I waited.

A strange feeling rushed to my stomach when I realized that I was going to be seeing Ethan again today. But I couldn't help but think of how well he looks now. He's insainly fit and really sweet. I missed him so much. I missed our small nerf battles in the front yard and our little forts we made with Gray on movie nights. I snapped back into reality when the doorbell rang.

My dad answered the door and I waked down the stairs. As I grabbed the railing I felt my hand and fingers trembling. I realized that I was nervous and pulled away from the railing and fiddled with my hands to keep them occupied. I took one look at Ethan while he was talking to my dad and I face planted down the rest of the stairs. I heard my dad scream my name in a worried tone as I fell.

Ethan came running to my side to see if I was okay and to help me up. He kneeled beside me and took my trembling hand on his then looked me in the eyes and said
"hey you alright B?"
"Uh yeah I just tripped on my own feet"
"Haha" his laugh gave me shivers as my hand let go of his "I could tell" he said.

We said goodbye to my dad and Ethan walked me to his car and held open the car door for me.

"Hey guys!"
I gave a small scream and whipped around to find grayson in the back seat laughing his ass off. I laughed along with him until i felt someone touch my face. I looked over to find Ethan pushing the long brown strands of hair out of my face from the drivers seat. I smiled and thanked him and he started the car. Gray and I got all caught up while Ethan drove us to the park.

I got out of the car and was emedietly shot of the ground and was in graysons arms.
"Grayson what..?!?!....." i screamed.
He started running to the grass. I laughed uncontrollably as Ethan ran behind him screaming
"I'm open I'm open!". Grayson ran up to Ethan and lightly tossed me right into Ethan's arms. Ethan ran a little further down the grass before stopping to put me down.

"Touch down team Dolan!" I laughed and sat in the grass watching the boys make a noise that was supposed to be a croud cheering. We sat in the grass for a while talking about our old memories and new experiences until Grayson stood up.

"Hey I'll be right back guys I left my phone in the car." Gray began to walk away to the car and I turned to Ethan who was playing with some grass.

"So Ethan", I began, "there's going to be a movie on the wall tonight and I was wondering if you would like to join me. The movie is The Amazing Spiderman."

As soon as the words fell out off my mouth I felt a wave of a scared rush hit me. I began to feel like if he said no I would feel so dumb for even asking. I'm sure he has better plans than see a movie with me. He can't spend all of his time with me.

The panic stopped when Ethan grabbed my hands and pulled me to him.

"Hey are you okay? whats wrong?"

I felt suddenly embarrassed that he noticed I was nervous but as his arms held me it all went away.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little hot" I wasn't lying the sun was beating down for a day in Jersey.

He let go and answered "well I'd love to go to the movie with you"

I got up and looked at him then towards the play ground
"Race ya to the swings, loser buys everyone ice cream!" I ran as fast as I could and began to hear Ethan yelling

"Wait that's not fair!" Though it was definitely fair. Considering he could outrun me any day.

I was tired but almost to the swings when Grayson cut me off and was 3 feet ahead of me.

"I win!" He exclaimed. "What do I win?"

Ethan laughed. "How did you win? You were in the car."

"Well I was almost back to the spot we we're sitting when i saw Bella start running, then you ran after her and I new it was a race so I ran too." Grayson smiled with graditude.

I caught my breath and replied. "Well now me and Ethan have to pay for everyone's ice cream."

With that grayson started for the car yelling "yasss bitches, ice cream!"
Ethan and I laughed and walked back together.

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