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Ethan's POV

I pulled into the drive way at home with a strange feeling. My pride and all emotion sunk to my stomach the moment that Bella had walked away from me. I cringed and flinched at the thought and got out of the car. I walked up to the door with every intention to go upstairs to my bedroom and take a nap so I walked to the door and turned the handle but the door was locked. Usually this was normal when no one was home but I knew for a fact that both Cameron and Grayson were home. in a frustrated panic I knocked on the door and waited to hear approaching steps on the other side of the door. I looked up about to question why the heck it was even locked in the first place until my eyes shot up to meet a very excited Grayson. I didn't even have time to think before he grabbed me by the forearm and pulled me inside the house.
"Gray buddy what are you-"
He slapped a hand over my mouth before I could finish my sentence and looked to the couch.
"So I believe this is the one you requested to see, am I right?" Gray took his hand off of my face and I turned to see who he was talking to. Cameron was sitting on the couch looking at me with a straight face holding a glass of lemonade.
"Yeah, but I changed my mind I got it, he's free."she said.
She probably just wanted to ask me a question about our videos next Tuesday.
I was confused at what just happened. Normal things are happening but yet they were acting so strange. But as tired as I was, I didn't feel like investigating any further.

"I'm just gunna take a shower" I trudged off upstairs and into the bathroom. Got onto my Snapchat and posted that it's been a long day, started running the water and getting undressed.

I had washed and got out to dry my hair and get dressed in clean cloths. Finally I can just be alone and take a nap. I finished drying my hair and grabbed my phone from by the sink and began to walk down the hall to my bedroom. I opened the door and the light was already on. Before I had time to process what had been going on a wave of pressure knocked me down onto the ground and was hugging my waist. My first reaction was of panic and confusion until I looked down to find long brown hair flowing everywhere around my arms and chest.
It was Bella.

"Bella?!" I said in excitement. I looked down at her head resting on my chest and how her long hair wrapped around my arm. I smiled and she looked up at me with a huge grin on her face. Her piercing blue eyes made me feel like a was lost in a sky full of clouds. Or an ocean. She sat up beside me and fixed her hair away from her eyes and began to talk

"Hello love" she said smoothly and smiled.
Bella was like that. She calls everyone things like "babe" "love" "hun", she had a way of making you feel like you were safe and at home. Like you were accepted no matter what was going on. I missed having someone like that around. Gray isn't exactly going to call me babe and hug me any time soon.

"Hey Bella bee" she apologised for not recognising me and thought I'd looked so much older. I didn't mind as long as we could hang together again. We got all caught up as much as we could until she was called by her mom to come home and start unpacking.

"How about tomorrow I give you a nice welcome home and we can walk around jersey?" I asked as I held the door open for her.

She grabbed her Pennyboard and began walking to the door. She looked at me and smiled "why id love to Mr. Dolan, I'll see you around noon?" She pushed the hair out of her face by running her hand through the top middle.

"Ill see you then" she walked out the door and down the street and I asked Gray about accompanying us tomorrow. He agreed and with that I decided to head to bed.

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