the day continues

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Bella's pov

We all walked out of the ice cream shop laughing and eating our large ice cream cones. All of them were beginning to melt due to the heat so all of our hands were covered in gooey wet ice cream. I tried my best to keep clean but all efforts failed when Ethan came up to me and casually loooked like he was gunna talk to me.

"Oh Bella you've got some ice cream on your chin." He said.

"Where?" I asked

"Riiight... There!" Ethan rubbed his sticky melted dessert all over my cheek.

"Oh you have a little more here too" Grayson made the excuse to rub his hand on the other side of my face. They both laughed and ran as fast as they could away.

"Oh you're gunna get it dolans!" I screamed and dug my hand in my melted ice cream.

Running in their direction I could hear graysons cute little laugh from behind the car in the parking lot and it gave away where he was hiding. I flung the ice cream right onto his face as I made the corner of the car. He stood up and returned the favor. I could hear footsteps coming from behind and turned around just in time for Ethan to lift me up and rub ice cream all over my back. I rubbed my hands all through his hair to get even.

Laughing I whispered in Ethan's ear. "Help me get gray." He smiled and nodded before running to the other side of the car to get him from behind.

I looked in the direction of grayson before I ran twords him. I finally caught him and rubbed the remains of my ice cream all over his face.

"Aw gray you got something on your face" I said while he laughed. Ethan came with a finishing touch. He sprayed whipped cream all along the top of his head and put a cherry on the top of his whipped cream pile on grays hair.

"Where did you get whipped cream??" I asked Ethan.

"I ran back in the store and payed an extra $5 for it and a can of cherries." He looked very proud.

We all did our best to clean up before getting in the car and they dropped me off at home.

"I'll be picking you up at seven for the movie at 7, sound good?" Ethan said.

"Sounds great I gotta shower" I said as I ran inside.

****6:30 pm****
After I had gotten home. I explained my day to my parents and they were happy I finally was hanging out with friends again. I was glad too, going from a life with Jason to having real friends again. It was like being let out of a box and I had been trapped. I loved my friends and I'm excited to make more.

I heard a car pull up and ran outside to meet Ethan. "Hello love" I greeted him.

"Hey Bella bee" he was leaning his back on the Jeep passenger door and had his hands in his pockets of his shorts. He had a light purple button shirt with short sleeves. He ran a hand through his messy hair before opening the car door for me. I stopped before getting in the car to turn to him and fix a piece of hair sticking straight up.

"well don't you look handsome" I said smiling.

He looked at me smiling and took a piece of my hair out of my face. "And you look stunning as always" he said. His smile failed to leave his face and his eyes failed to leave me.

I got in the passenger side and he shut the door. I felt butterflies swarm in my stomach when I realized how romantic and simple the moment we just experienced was.

Once we had gotten to the park for the movie the sun was already setting. Barely anyone showed up. So we had a lot of room around us. We layed down a blanket on the grass and sat down. We had bought some popcorn and got bored since we had both already seen this film. I decided to play the old game we played as kids. You have to try and throw popcorn in the other persons mouth. And you count how many you can get. The person with the least amount at the end has to eat all the popcorn that fell on the ground.

"Oh I'm so gunna win I was always good at this game." Ethan gloated. It was true tho. I always lost. Soon after I realized that there was no way I'd win I started throwing all the popcorn from the ground in his hair.

"I'm not losing today dolan" I laughed he shook out all of the popcorn and looked up laughing.

"Aw come on Bella I just got the ice cream out!" I got up and jogged away he came from behind and picked me up and threw me a few inches into the air to make me think he was gunna drop me.

I screamed and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Ethan!" I shreeked.

He laughed and held my thighs to keep me up. I let my arm unwrap from his neck and set my hands in his shoulders to look at him. For a moment time stopped and for a split second. We were invinsible. Just us. And our eyes never left.
We looked at each other like we were going to kiss. But that's when he set me down and left me once again much shorter than him. He still had never left my gaze but now his eyes looked concerned.

"Ethan-" I started to speak when he cut me off.
"We should get to the movie it's almost over" he turned away.

My heart shattered. Oh no.

I like Ethan.

I ran in front of him and stopped him from walking any further. "Wait Ethan, what just happened?" I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up for him to confess an undying love. Ethan deserves a princess. But I really wish it could be me.

"Bella I need to tell you something."

"Alright." I stuttered and prepared myself to be friend zoned.

He kept his eyes fixed on the grass and I noticed his jaw clench.
"I'm not sure I can be your friend. Bec- because, since that first day you we're home and when I knew you were coming back, I knew that I was in love with you."

His voice began to crack and his eyes watered. "I just want to be your everything and I can't look at you and not fall in love with you. It hurts knowing that I cant have you."

He began walking away from me again "come on I'll take you home" I felt panic as the words escaped his lips.

"Wait Ethan!" He turned around and I looked at him. "What if I told you that you are my everything."

His eyes lit up as he heard me. I looked at the movie screen and noticed the end. "I think this is the part where the hero gets the girl." I said. He held my face with his hand and pulled me in with his other. Our faces were inches apart when I heard a familiar voice and the sound of a bottle breaking.

Ethan tensed and one word fled my mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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