Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I knew I was in for it as soon as I saw that smile spread across my brother's face. There was no way out of this now, but maybe I could delay the onslaught for a bit.

I grimaced and chewed my bottom lip a bit before saying, "Okay, I admit it. I did the calls, so what? It's not like any of you can say that you've never done any prank calls!"

Nathan laughed and said, "Yeah I won't lie. I've done some prank calls, but there is difference between my calls and yours."

"Oh yeah? Do tell," I retorted.

"I didn't get caught," he replied smugly.

James and his friends all laughed. While they were distracted I took the opportunity and tried to make an escape. I shot up from the metal bench and made for a gap in the semicircle of boys. I didn't get far. Campbell quickly caught hold of my school bag and yanked me back onto the bench. I once again sat down hard and frowned in frustration, my fists curled angrily.

James looked extremely amused so I gave him my signature death stare, which made him laugh.

"You're not getting out of this that easily, Jez," James said to me.

I just continued to glare at them all.

"Hell no, but you can start with an apology," Campbell started.

Before anyone could add anything I countered, "But I'm not sorry."

Chace piped up, "You're not sorry that you tried to ruin my friendship with my best friend. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if I did that to you and your best friend."

That hit home. Jessica and I had been friends since we were two. Chace was right I wouldn't like it if the positions we reversed. I looked away guiltily and I could tell that they all saw my reaction.

I took a shaky breath and said in a small voice, "I-I didn't think .....we were was a joke."

"No, that's what I thought," Chace said angrily.

I squirmed under Chace's angry glare.

"So Jezebel, do you have something to be sorry for now?" James asked arrogantly.

I stood up and looked Chace in the eye, "Chace I am really sorry. I didn't think you would take it that seriously and I didn't really think the whole thing through and-"

I was cut off by a teacher who rounded the corner and assumed we were making trouble. She shooed us off to class and I narrowly escaped trouble for the moment. Just before I was about to hurry off to my first class James grabbed the back of my bag and pulled me back towards him. He surprised me so I didn't have a chance to struggle.

He put his mouth behind my left ear and whispered, "This isn't over." He then pushed me forwards and made his way to class with his friends.

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