Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I slept right through dinner and then through the whole night without stirring once. I woke the next morning at around six o'clock. I groggily rubbed my eyes and glanced around my room. James was nowhere to be seen and I swear he had been right next to me when I fell asleep. I thought back to the day before.

We got out of hospital, we came back home, met a cute boy who now lives next door, ate some chips and then discovered we both have incredible powers. Dude that was one heck of a day, that's for sure. It suddenly hit me that everything I think happened yesterday sounds absolutely absurd. What if none of it happened? Could it have all been a dream?

I hurriedly clamber out of bed and stand in the middle of the room. I closed my eyes, trying to remember what I could do (assuming that it all wasn't some whacked up dream). Okay, I could move objects with my mind, which I'm pretty sure was called telekinesis. I grimaced thinking back to yesterday, it was taking me a while to remember. I had just woken up and no one is completely with it just after they wake up.

Uh ha! Fast, I could run super-fast! That was another power that I had, speed. I breathed in deeply reaching back in my mind for the memories. Water..... something to do with water. My mind wandered while I thought of water. I arrived at the movie Avatar: The Last Air Bender, don't ask me why. I never saw the movie because apparently it was hopelessly bad and did no justice to the TV show. But the movie connected my thoughts about water. I was like a water bender; I had elemental control over water.

The last power I could remember easily because James and I shared it. Telepathy, the ability to communicate from one mind to another.  James and I could have conversations in our minds with each other.  I thought through the list of amazing abilities, wondering if it were possible that they were real.

I looked at the reading book that was sitting on my desk and focused in on it. Then with my eyes I slowly looked around the room. Wherever my eyes went the book went too. Ok, now I know that power is definitely real and that yesterday wasn't some weird dream I'd had. I tapped into my Telepathy to see if James was up and hit a snag.

James was most definitely not awake. He was asleep and dreaming. What's so bad about that you may think? Well firstly I could see his dream through our connection and secondly, his dream was so not something I wanted to see that early in the morning. Actually I didn't want to witness that ever. A little hint, there was James, a popular girl at my school and a hell of a lot of face sucking.

I really, really quickly jumped out of his head and went to the bathroom and had a shower, which I really needed. Afterwards, I felt so much better and fully awake, not to mention still a little grossed out after seeing my twin brother making out (even in dream form). I changed into some dark blue skinny jeans, a cream, lilac and light pink shirt, which was my favourite shirt from my favourite shop. I slipped some socks on because the tiles at my house get really cold in the mornings.

I slowly wandered down the stairs and into the kitchen where I nearly walked straight into my mother.

"Oh, good morning," she said chirpily.

"Hey mum," I reply in the same tone.

My mum usually leaves for work at seven so she was always up early. In fact all of my family were early risers except for James. He has a habit of not getting up until 15 minutes before we have to leave for school.

"Want me to make you some breakfast?" she asked me kindly.

I smiled, "Nah, I got it mum. Thanks though."

She nodded and went back upstairs to finish getting ready for work. I go about making myself a piece of toast. While I waited for my toast to pop up I thought about what I was going to have on it. The answer popped into my head: NUTELLA. I absolutely love Nutella. I buttered my toast and then spread Nutella on it. I raised the toast to my mouth and was just about to take a bite when James staggered blearily into the kitchen.

I tried to hold back a laugh, but it escapeds my lips. James glared blearily over at me and shuffles over. I watched him with amusement as he got a drink and ran his hands through his hair, which only served to make it stick up in all different directions. I cracked up laughing and had to put my toast down for fear of dropping it. James just continued to glare at me and then an evil grin spread across his face.

He grabbed my toast with my Nutella from my plate and shoved the whole thing in his mouth in one go. That shut me up immediately. I stood up straight and narrowed my eyes. I set my mouth in a hard line and curled my hands into fists.

Oh man, no one messes with me and my Nutella. Today was going to get interesting that was for sure.

You should know better than to mess with my Nutella. I sneered at James.

Whatever, Jez. He rolled his eyes at me.

Oh Jamesy, it is so on. You are going down. I taunted him.          

Like I said, it was going to be one hell of a day.

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