Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

7 o'clock came and went. Just like my mum. 8 o'clock also came and went. Like Bradley. Eight thirty came and once again left along with my dad. While my family were getting ready for work and school James and I kept out of each other's way. The fun would begin after everyone left. (In case you're wondering I did make myself another piece of Nutella toast).

By 9 o'clock I was absolutely itching to get back at James and he knew it. He was in for a big surprise. We occasionally do this; make a game out of getting revenge on each other. It was always fun and we had to get creative. While I was waiting for my parents and brother to leave I had come up with a plan for my first assault.

I was recently given a Nerf Gun, which is a toy gun that shoots rubber pellets. I was going to use all of my powers in a full on attack.  First, I would use my telepathy to find out where he was, and then I would quietly make my way to where he was.  I linked into James' mind and found him sitting on his bed in his room. Tip toeing up the stairs I then silently glided to his door.

I laid my hand on the door knob and twisted slowly. Thank god it didn't squeak. Then using my super speed I ran into the room and at the same time through the telepathy I screamed to distract James.  I saw James clap his hands to his ears to try and stop the noise. Then I full pelt started shooting him with the Nerf Gun, still running around the room. Once I had run out of pellets I used my telekinesis to move the pellets around the room.

James recovered from my screaming in his head and ducked. He ran across to his desk and grabbed his spray bottle of water. He sprayed around the room trying to confuse me. I just made the water fly back at him so he got wet. I was still showering him with rubber bullets while he tried to make his way to the door. He turned himself invisible and I couldn't see him anymore. I stopped moving the bullets around the room and looked cautiously around the room.

Nothing moved. I couldn't even hear his breathing. I turned slowly in a circle trying to get a clue as to where he was. No noise what so ever. I frowned, he had to be in the room somewhere because the door hadn't opened. I was stumped and then he grabbed me from behind. I let out a strangled cry as one hand went over my mouth and the other around my waist. I struggled furiously trying to break his hold.

But it was useless. He was super strong, there was no way I could win this fight. He lifted me so my feet were off the ground and started towards the door. I kept trying to yell insults at him but they were all inaudible because of the hand over my mouth. I kicked and I pulled at his arms but it was no use. He shouldered open his bedroom door and walked down the hallway towards my bedroom.

He pushed open my door and walked right in. I was still thrashing, trying to get out. He kicked the door closed behind him and took his hand off my mouth. I breathed in loudly preparing myself for shouting abuse at my brother. I couldn't see what he was doing with his free hand but he was not letting me go. His curled arm around my waist was crushingly tight.

"What the hell are you doing you asshole?" I yelled furiously.

He snickered, "Winning, easily."

His tone was so arrogant and smug that it made me want to punch him in the face. I writhed but still could not get loose. He pulled something out of his pocket and slapped it on my wrist. I looked down appalled at what I saw. Hand cuffs. Are you serious? Where the hell did he get those? I tried to pull away from him so hard that it was hard to breath.

"No, no, no, no!" I shouted at him panicked.

"Told ya I would win," he replied back straight faced and self -assured.

He kicked my feet from underneath me and I fell to the floor hard. Stunned, I had a delayed reaction and James was able to pull both of my arms behind me. I was close to the end of my bed and he pull the other half of the hand cuffs around the leg of my bed. He then fastened the other side of the cuffs around my free wrist.

I sat there speechless and completely dumb founded. James pulled back and straightened up. He smiled sweetly at me and held up the key to the hand cuffs. My mouth fell ajar and James laughed superiorly. I bit down on my lip hard and scrunched my fists angrily. I was shaking in anger and my breath was coming in short and sharp.

"James, undo these hand cuffs right now," I warned.

"Or what? You'll get me back like you did for the toast. We both know how well that turned out," James retorted smartly.

I was too furious to speak or to do anything but clench my jaw. James tucked the key back into the pocket of his shorts and walked over to me. He leaned over me and ruffled my hair, like I was a little kid.

"It's ok kiddo. I'll let you out if you behave," he spoke to me also like I was a little kid.

He patted me twice on the cheek and walked to the door. He opened it and waved once. Then he laughed at my ferocious expression and softly closed the door behind him.

I finally snapped back to insults, "Don't you dare walk away! James get your ass back here right now! I swear to God you will regret this!"

"James!" I yelled while I pulled against the hand cuffs.

"JAMES!" I screamed after him.

I yanked harder on the cuffs but it was no use these were not toy hand cuffs. I had a sneaking suspicion that James had somehow gotten his hands on real Police hand cuffs. I had no way of getting out. I couldn't use my powers to get out because I couldn't see the hand cuffs and I didn't think I was skilled enough to do anything without having it in front of me. I yanked hopelessly and sighed in frustration.

My head shot up. Bingo! If James wouldn't come back for my yelling maybe this would work.

Jaaammmeess! Get your ass back up here! I yelled telepathically.

I could do this for ages and not get tired but soon enough James would get annoyed enough to come back and let me go.

James, you'll never get a moments peace if you don't come back! I know how to annoy you. I am your twin sister after all. I called sweetly through the link.

No answer. I frowned. I would have thought he'd have come back with a smart assed comment. But nothing. Then a knock at the door.

I swivelled my eyes to the door and called, "James come here!"

The door opened slowly and James walked in looking absolutely smug. I couldn't understand why until I saw the person who walked in after him. Miles. It felt like the floor dropped out from underneath me. I felt my face turn bright red. I stared horrified at James while he just stood there smiling at me like he thought this was the funniest thing in the world. However, Miles looked completely puzzled.

At that point I wished the floor would open up and swallow me or I would get struck by lightning (again), but today I wasn't that lucky. The only thing I could do was sit there hand cuffed to the leg of my bed and look mortified. So much for the fun beginning.

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