Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 

Bradley's POV

Bradley spent a few more minutes there answering some questions and accepting Mitchell's apology. He explained that James would have wanted them to know that he was in hospital and then excused himself to go and speak to Jezebel's friends.

"Thanks for that back there," he said to Bradley as they walked across the quad.

"I thought you would want some company for this, you didn't seem 100% up to the task," Dane replied smiling kindly.

Bradley didn't have time to answer because he was suddenly bombarded by a bunch of girls asking a million questions. He held up his hands to get Jezebel's friends to calm and quiet down. Again the expression on his face must have said a thousand words because all of the girls were instantly quiet.

"Bradley, what happened? Where is Jezebel?" Maddy asked cautiously.

For the second time that day Bradley launched into the story of how James and Jezebel ended up in hospital. With Dane's help he managed to get through the whole story without choking on his words too much. This time around all the girls believed him, no question asked.

"Are they going to be ok?" Annalyse asked worried.

"The doctor doesn't know," Bradley said gravely.

He left the group of girls shortly after that. They were now all extremely deflated and upset. He was heading to the school's Office with Dane when the Principal, Mr Barker, called his name from behind him.

"Bradley," Mr Barker called.

"Sir, I was just going to see you," Bradley answered.

"I thought you might. But your parents already called and I'm really sorry to hear about what happened," the Principal said sincerely.

Bradley nodded, but didn't say anything.

"I'll let your brother and sister's teacher's know. Now both of you off to class before you're late," Mr Barker said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, sir," Dane answered.

And off to class they went.

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