Chapter 39

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My apologies if you have been getting spammed with notifications over the past couple of days. I have been editing all the previous chapters (not the story line, just grammar, punctuation, tenses etc.). This however is a brand new chapter, so enjoy!


Chapter 39

Bradley's POV

Bradley had no idea something was wrong until late into the afternoon once he'd finished his School Captain meeting. It was about 5pm and neither of the twins were picking up their phones. In fact neither Jezebel's nor James's phones would even ring, they just went straight to message bank, which meant they were turned off. Bradley knew for a fact that the twins never turned off their phones. Could they both have run out of battery? Surely not.

At that point Bradley began to feel worried, something wasn't right. He walked through the empty school grounds by himself, heading in the direction of his car, while he dialled Miles's phone. Surely all three of them wouldn't have their phones off. Bradley sighed in relief as he listened to his phone ring.

"Pick up, pick up," he muttered to himself as the phone rung 4 and then 5 times.

Finally Miles picked up, but the response he got certainly did not put him at ease, "Bradley, what do you want?"

Bradley paused where he stood, a little shocked at the cold tone of Miles's voice, "Miles? Are you ok?"

Miles didn't answer the question and instead repeated, "What do you want?"

Bradley's anxiety level started to creep up by the second, "Where are you?"

"At home."

"At home?"

"Yeah, I walked home," Miles began to sound increasingly agitated and upset, which just served to confuse Bradley even more.

"Why did you walk home? I thought you all said you'd be fine to wait. Did the twins walk home with you?"

"I walked home by myself," Miles voice broke a little and that was when Bradley was certain something was horribly wrong.

Bradley let out a shaky breath, "Miles....what happened? Where are the twins?"

Miles was silent on the other end, clearly debating whether or not to tell Bradley what he knew.

"Miles, talk to me! I need to know where the twins are! Neither of them are picking up their phones," Bradley all but begged.

Miles sensed the urgency in Bradley's voice and swallowed his anger, "I-I haven't seen James since lunch time. But Jez- oh I saw Jezebel. We were supposed to meet up in the Multimedia room after school, but when I got there she was making out with Nikolai."

Bradley's heart stopped cold at the mention of Nikolai. Yes, something was definitely not right.

"You're 100% sure it was Nikolai and Jezebel?"

Miles laughed humourlessly, "Yes Bradley, I'm sure I saw my girlfriend cheating on me with one of my friends in the Multimedia room."

He winced as soon as he realised how it must look from Miles's perspective. It must have looked like Jez was cheating on Miles. Bradley knew without a doubt that Jezebel would never do that, especially not with Nikolai. She wasn't a hateful person, but she hated Nikolai with everything she had. But Miles didn't know that, which was partly Bradley's fault. If James and Bradley had just let Jezebel tell Miles about the effects of the accident and that Nikolai was suspicious this whole mess could have been avoided.

But Bradley didn't have time to dwell on his mistakes, "Miles, listen to me carefully. Jezebel hates Nikolai. Whatever you saw is not what you think. Nikolai is playing games, a dangerous game. There's a lot of things I can't explain right now, but Nikolai has been....threatening the twins and I need to find them-"

Miles cut Bradley off, "Look, I'm pretty sure I know what I saw Bradley. Why wouldn't Jez tell me if Nikolai was threatening her and James?"

Bradley ground his teeth in frustration. He didn't have time to argue with Miles, not that he really had a plan on what else he was going to do.

"Miles! Just stop, I need to know where they are. Do you know anything else?" Bradley pleaded.

"Like I said, I haven't seen James since lunch and after I saw Jez with Nikolai I walked home," Miles answered, sounding defeated.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" Bradley swore.

Bradley wanted to punch something to try and expel some of his anger. How could he not have known something was wrong? The twins could be anywhere and Bradley didn't even know where to start. Hell, what was he going to tell his parents? He knew his mum and dad wouldn't be able to handle something else being wrong with the twins. Quite frankly, Bradley wasn't sure he could handle it either.

"Bradley? Brad-" Miles called over the phone.

"Look Miles, I have to go. If you hear from the twins or Nikolai call me immediately," Bradley cut Miles off curtly.

Miles didn't get another word out before Bradley hung up. Bradley shoved his phone into his pocket and hurried towards the Multimedia classroom. He needed to find a clue, something that would help him find his younger siblings. All he needed was a clue and then he'd track down the twins, rescue them and maybe punch a two-faced Nikolai along the way.

Bradley didn't want to acknowledge the growing sense of dread that was building in his stomach. Though he had little choice once he reached the now empty Multimedia classroom. The only indication that there had been a fight was the few desks that were toppled or shoved out of place. Bradley couldn't even be certain that there had been a fight, but his instincts told him there must of been. Jezebel would never have let Nikolai get away with hurting Miles like he had. No, there had definitely been a fight.

Helplessness consumed Bradley. There was no useable clues. None. How was he ever going to find James and Jezebel now? Bradley growled in frustration and punched the nearest desk. He didn't know what to do next. Did he call the police? No, that would only raise questions he couldn't answer. Did he call his parents? Bradley knew he needed to tell them something eventually, he just wasn't sure what that was yet. No, Bradley didn't know what to do next. If anything, the helplessness of not having a plan was what scared him the most.

Bradley punched the desk again and whispered to himself, "Damn it, where are you guys? I can't lose you again."

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