Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Monday came around all too soon. The weekend, as usual, didn't last long enough, but strangely I was looking forward to going to school. Mostly because it meant seeing Miles. I hadn't seen him since the party at Chace's house and I wanted to look nice, so I found myself worrying over my hair and fussing with my school uniform. But then I couldn't help thinking that I looked like I was trying hard to impress and whether that would make me seem too eager.

I was frowning at my reflection, debating whether to wear my hair up or leave it down, when James walked by my open door and snickered at me. Forgetting about my hair dilemma I shot James an icy glare over my shoulder, which just made him laugh. Deciding to just leave my hair down in it's natural soft curls I grabbed up my packed school bag and followed James down the stairs.

Bradley and James were already waiting for me outside next to the car with Miles. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Miles and my stomach filled with butterflies. I had to physically shake my head to get myself moving again, otherwise I would have stood there staring like a fool. I quickly locked the front door behind me and made my way over to Bradley's car. As soon as James saw me heading towards the car he dashed over to the passenger seat and slid in, leaving me to sit in the back with Miles. He threw the two of us a devilish grin before slamming his door.

The ride to school was a little quieter than it usually was. Bradley was lost in his own world and James was on his phone. I wanted to talk to Miles but didn't really know where to start and didn't really want to be overheard by both of my brothers. Instead I had to content myself with sideways glances at Miles and small smiles. Thankfully the drive only took 15 minutes, though James, as usual, seemed intent on making me squirm.

Just as Bradley was turning into the street he usually parked in James swung around to face Miles and I in the back seat, "All right you two, I can't take the awkward silence anymore. You're going to have to talk about it eventually."

"Talk about what?" Bradley asked, obviously confused.

I could feel a blush rising up my neck and taking up residence in my cheeks as I opened my mouth to deny everything. I turned to Miles, a little panicked, to see he was giving me an equally horrified look.

James, however, got in first, "The big old snog the two of them had the other night at Chace's party, that's what."

I winced at James' smug tone and hoped that Bradley would take this as calmly as he took the whole magic thing. Nobody said anything until the car was parked and we were all standing outside. Miles and I stood close together, glaring at James for outing us to Bradley.

"Ok Jez, off you go. We'll meet back here this afternoon like we usually do," Bradley said dismissively, waving me off towards the school entrance.

"I don't-I don't understand....," I said slowly.

"I think that means you've been dismissed Jez," James laughed.

I rolled my eyes but didn't move, "Well are you guys coming too?"

"What James means is that the three of us are just going to have a quick chat before we head in. You and I will talk later, ok?" Bradley clarified.

I crossed my arms in front of me and frowned, "I don't think so Bradley. As soon as I leave you're going to talk about me and if that's the case I think I have the right to hear what you're going to say."

"Jezebel it's fine, really. I'll find you at lunch and then we can talk too," Miles squeezed my hand in reassurance and carefully turned me in the direction of the school grounds.

I hesitated a few moments longer before giving in, "Fine, fine! I'll go so you three can have your boy's only chat."

I took a couple of steps towards the school and turned back with a pleading look directed at my brothers, "Please be nice."

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