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~ Heather's POV ~

Kellin and I were hanging out with the guys all night, it was so much fun! I never got a single text from Hannah though, I wonder if Andy and her are back on? Obviously him and her were too busy making out to text me! Duh! No...because even when she was hanging out with Andy, she responded when I texted her about #Hellin becoming real...and she'd want me to know...because she's exactly like me and I wanted her to know...somethings going on.

Im lying on Kellins chest now, stressing out over this.
"Are you ok baby?" Kellin asks.
I shake my head and look up at him "Do you think Hannah's ok?"
He nods "Yeah, her and Andy are almost definitely making out right now, why?"
I sigh "Because she's basically exactly like me, and I stopped kissing you to text her and tell her #Hellin was real...surely she'd do the same about #Handy, wouldnt she?"
Kellin laughs slightly "Baby, she isnt exactly like you, otherwise I'd be inlove with 2 women, and Im not! Calm down baby, she's probably just forgotten to text you, maybe her phone died? Who knows? Look, Im sure they're back on now, she's fine, we'll ask her about it tomorrow, yeah?"
I nod and smile before leaning up to kiss Kellin. "Thanks babe, I dont know what I'd do without you, I love you."
He smiles adorably "I love you too Heather." Then our eyes drift shut and we fall into a peaceful sleep. I expect to wake up to my phone beeping like I usually do, but instead I wake up to Kellin kissing my neck and shoulder. We must've changed position in our sleep because now we're spooning. I giggle.
"Good morning Kels!" I say quietly.
Kellin laughs slightly "Good morning beautiful!"
I turn over to face him "Do you know what the time is?"
He shakes his head "No, check your phone."
I turn back over and reach for my phone. No texts. No missed calls. Nothing. Something is very very wrong. I jump out of Kellins bunk and start pulling on my clothes. I wasnt naked, I was in my pajamas, you guys are fucking sick minded!
Kellin raises an eyebrow "What is it baby!?! Are you late for work?"
I shake my head "Hannah didnt text or call me at all last night, she didnt let me know she was ok or that she was staying with Andy, which she always does!"
Kellin laughs slightly "I think you're a little paranoid baby!"
I roll my eyes "You're probably right, but even so, I need to make sure she's ok!"
He nods "Alright, you go check on her, text me when you get there or if you need anything, Im going to try and get some more sleep baby."
I walk over to him and kiss his forehead "Ok, sweet dreams Kels!" He smiles adorably and closes his eyes, I pull my shoes on and run out of the door. Hannah's gotta be ok, right? I'll probably walk in and she'll be in an embarrassing position with Andy or some shit! God, Im worrying myself silly over nothing!

I arrive on the staff bus and smile widely. Then my smile falls. There are several letters on the table, just left there. I walk over to them cautiously incase they're bombs in disguise. There's one with my name on it, Andy's, Kellin's and Ashleys. I raise an eyebrow.
"HANNAH???" I shout "DO YOU KNOW WHO LEFT THESE LETTERS HERE???" I get no response. She's probably on the BVB bus or asleep, duh. I sit down on the couch and tear open my letter.

" Dear Heather,

Hey, its Hannah. So...last night didnt go too well. At all. Actually, it fucking sucked. Like it REALLY sucked. Anyway, I guess you'd realized something was up because I havent texted or called you, which I would've done to let you know if things went good. Long story short, I walked in on Andy and that Julliet Simms bitch making out. He was drunk off his head, there were empty glass bottles everywhere, but I dont know what state she was in, frankly I dont care. I cried my heart out of course, then I wrote these letters. Im trusting you to deliver them for me, because Im not there to do it myself. By the time you read this I will be long gone. Im back in my apartment now probably. I've left Warped. I cant be dealing with all the stress and depression, its not fair for you to see me this way, I dont want to stress anyone else out, especially not the band members because they need to be at their best when they perform. Also, the amount of drama that revolved around me was insane, so I've ended it. I wont delete your number or anything, I still want to be besties with you, but Im not coming back. Im so sorry.

I love you,

From your wifoo Hannah Xxxx "

The letter falls from my hands and I attempt to stand up, tears rolling down my cheeks. The room starts spinning and I end up on the floor. I reach for my phone and call Kellin, he picks up almost instantly.
"Hey baby, is everything ok?" He asks sweetly through the phone.
I smile at the sound of his voice. "I-I think we might have a slight-" I pull myself up into a standing position.
"A slight what baby?" Kellin asks curiously, sounding slightly worried.
"I think we might have a slight...have a...a slight..." The room starts spinning again. "...problem..." Im on the floor again, everything's spinning. Then everything goes black.

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