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~ Heather's POV ~

Hannah was in hospital for 3 days, now she's asleep in her bunk. She does that a lot now, she just sleeps. I think it's partially due to the loss of blood, as she's still recovering from that, but I also think she just wants to sleep and not face reality. Andy's apparently gone back to alcohol, he didn't care that he ended up in hospital, he just wants to feel numb. The guys have all tried to stop him, but nothing works. Kellin and I are still fine, both of us are worried about Hannah and Andy though. We know they're perfect for each other. Well, we think they are.

Hannah stumbles out of her bunk, grabs herself a carton of milk from the fridge and returns to her bunk, that's the first and probably last time I'll see her today. She's very depressed. As is Andy. Whenever BVB performans he's drunk. I think some of the fans have noticed, most of them are too busy fangirling over actually seeing the band though. I decide that it's been long enough. Hannah has been in her bunk all week and before that she was in hospital for 3 days, she hasn't been outside, its unhealthy. I jump up from the couch and walk into the bunk area.
"Right Hannah face wifoo bæh, get your ass up!" I say loudly.
She groans from her bunk "Why!?!"
"Because I fucking said so! You need to go outside and I'm gonna take you there!" I laugh before singing "Yeah I'll take you there!"
Hannah sighs "Now is not the time for an SWS reference."
I scoff "Its ALWAYS the time for an SWS reference!"
Hannah pulls her bunk curtain back "So where do you wanna take me?"
I roll my eyes "Outside for some fun! So get your ass up, have a shower and make yourself look presentable!"
A small smile appears on her face "Fine!"
I gasp "Was that a mother fuckin SMILE!?!"
She giggles "Maybe it was!" She gets up and runs to the shower, I smile triumphantly before texting Kellin.

Me: Mission accomplished! I got Hannah to take a shower and she's agreed to go outside with me! 😃🎉❤️

KellyBoo: Awh, congratulations baby! 😊🎉❤️

Me: ConGRAtulations, they say you're the maaaaan, THEY SAY YOU'RE THE MAAAAAAAAN!!! 😱👌🏻🎉🎉🎉❤️

KellyBoo: Oh my fucking god! 😂😂😂❤️

Me: Haha, you had it coming babe! 😘❤️

KellyBoo: That I did! Did you want me to come along? In case you bump into Andy or something? 😘❤️

Me: No, I need to have some 1 on 1 time with her, besides, if Andy does show up I'll probably just slap him and run off, pulling Hannah with me! 💁🏻❤️

KellyBoo: Haha! You're such a badass baby! 😂❤️

Me: Thanks babe, I'd better go get myself ready now, I have to actually try and make myself look presentable, even tho I know it probably won't make me any less ugly, fuck it! 😂❤️

KellyBoo: You're not ugly baby, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Ok, I'll speak to your later. Have fun baby, I love you! 😍👌🏻😘❤️

Me: Hehe, thanks Kels, I will and I love you too! 😘❤️😘❤️

And with that I put my phone on the side and change into some black skinny jeans and a Michael Jackson T-shirt, because I have many husbands. I would make a list, but it might take too long and I don't have much time before Hannah's gonna want to come out of the shower and leave this large tin can.

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