Chapter #1

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Your Name POV

Man does it feel good to be back in Magnolia with fairy tail and bro did they do some major remodeling to the guild. Oh and by the way I'm [Your name] Heartfilia I'm a run away from the Heartfilia family I'm also a fairy tail mage I'm the princess/prince of the dragons and their slayer; I just came from a 5 year SS class mission well enough about me let's get back to the story. I push the guild doors open to be met with a flying table. Some things will never change but what a nice way to greet your nakama.

Nobody POV

" Hello minna I'm back!" You yelled as you walked into the guild everybody looked at you in shock.

" What [nick name] we thought you were dead for what took you so long." Laxus said from the second floor.

" Wow that's mean nobody had faith in me to complete that mission by myself guys have more fate in your nakamas I have fate in you." You said looking around until you met the eyes of Lucy.

" Lucy." you said.

" Hi nii-chan." she said back.

" Lucy."

" Nii-chan?"

" Lucy."you said getting a little bit angry because you thought you had finally got away from her when you ran away cause after all she was your little sister that took your place in the family.

" Nii-chan."

" What are you doing here."

" I'm a part of the guild and you."

" Wait what no I spent all this time trying to get away from you it's like you're following you know what Luke I want you to quit you know when we were younger we made a deal I get fairy tail and you get saber-tooth ."

" I don't remember signing anything to agree with that plus I wanted to see you again nii-chan I missed you after you left and my name is not Luke ."

" Now, now [your nick-name] be nice to your sister y'all are siblings." Mira said.

" Fine." you said and walked to the second floor with Laxus and his team after all you and Laxus are best friends.

Time Skip

" So Laxus mating season is coming up soon. So who's the unlucky girl or guy." you asked.

" Hey she or he will be lucky to be my mate the unlucky one here will be your mate." after Laxus said that Lucy came up.

" Can I help you Blondie." you said.

" I want to try being siblings we never were when we were younger. Whatever I did to make you mad I'm sorry I would really like to try and be real siblings this time and we can be closer than ever." she said.

" Okay I can try but do you really want to know why I started to hate you."

" Yes I can make it better."

" Well too bad it's going to be a lot to do better on a good day. I must be getting to my apartment to pay my rent."

I never really liked her, you thought as you walked to your apartment. You had to pay for five years rent; and the landlord gave you your key back. She said that you have a roommate that has changed some things or a lot of things. So when you opened the door to your house you saw everything you had was gone and so you ran to your room and it looked used and your stuff was gone.

Your POV

Yeah something changed, all my stuff is gone I spent thousands, no millions of jewels to get it to feel like home. Who the hell did this? Everything I had was collectables that were worth lots of money.

Lucy POV

When I got home the door was already opened oh no the rent money the landlord is going to kill me I shut the door and went to my bedroom to find [your name] pacing back and forward freaking out but what the hell is she/he doing in my house I thought she/he went home but I should ask her/him and how did she/he know I lived here.

" Um Nii-chan." I said.

" Do you live here Lucy." she/he said with anger in his/her voice.

" Yeah. Is there a problem with me living here as well as being at the guild."I said seething in anger first home then the guild and now my home.

" Yes it is a problem where is all my stuff I had here and why is all this in my room."

" Oh so you used to live here Nii-chan."

" Yeah so but where is all my stuff that so many years of collecting gone to waste so many jewels gone to waste."

" Calm down nii-chan."

" Don't tell me to calm down. Where's all my stuff."

" I put them in a celestial world with one of my spirits."

" You know what, just keep them I'm going to crash at Laxus' house."

" Wait nii-chan."

" What?!" rude much.

Crash at Laxus place are they a thing because they'll make a really cute couple but I just wish she'll/he'll accept me for once. I never got to know her/him as a kid.

" Are you and Laxus like a thing?"

" I'm not even going to answer that. That's like asking if you and Natsu is a thing."

Your POV

" Yo Laxus open up." no reply.

" Yo anybody in there." still no reply he must not be home I can't hear or smell anything from inside or sense anybody inside. I'm sure glad that I have a master key to open any door or lock time for the surprise of me being in his house without him knowing, but I waited for like an hour watching tv before falling asleep.

Laxus POV

I sense someone in my house that's not good I just got from my date and she's with me and she's one of those girls where she freaks out over the tiniest of things. Well time to investigate so I sent a thunder bolt to go catch (if that makes sense) the culprit and the next thing you know I hear a high pitch screaming what the fuck it sounded like [your name] but last time I heard she/he was going home and I know my place isn't her/his home cause I don't ever remember her/him moving in but I wouldn't mine if she/he did so I pulled away from Ella (I don't know made up).

" [Your Name] what are you doing here."I asked her/him. While Ella looked real mad.

" I've been waiting here for hours trying to scare you but I didn't know you had a date or was even into that shit."

" Oh well sorry for getting you with a thunderbolt."

" It's okay Lala but who's the hoe.(sorry if your name is Ella or anyone you know that you like)"

" Oh she was just leaving." I replied.

" What I thought you me; you know." Ella said while trying to seduce me by rubbing her breast on my arm not attractive or seducing at all then I saw [your name] getting up but instead of hurting Ella that I thought she/he intended to do she grabbed me away from Ella and pulled me into a kiss a long passionate one I was starting to get hard from but [your name] broke the kiss as Ella left crying.

" Why did you kiss me [nick name]."

" I don't know I just felt like it or it's the early effects of dragon season well I'll cook dinner for just popping up on you."

" Fine okay."

" Or I can go to Freed or Bickslow or Erza."

" No you can stay."

" Yesss."

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