Chapter 7

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Laxus POV
I made it to the guild it felt like time was going on forever. Then I spotted Mira at the bar; she should know where [your name] went. So I quickly went over to the bar.
" Mira do you know where [your name] is I need to talk to her/him." The moment I called over to Mira she glared at me, that's strange.

" Why do you want to know?" She said with attitude in her voice.

" Please, Mira where is she/he?" I said, I really need to get to [Your Name] before she/he gets to far so I can clear this mess up.

" She/he left." Mira stated with a dull look while cleaning a beer glass.

" What do you mean by she/he left." I nearly yelled, what does she mean by [Nickname] left. Like she/he left the guild or went on a mission or.

" She/he left." Mira stated again.

" Where did [Your Name] go? Did she/he go on a mission?" I said. Please don't let it be what I think it is. I mean if she/he is on a mission I could easily find her/him.

" She/he left the guild Laxus. I hope you're glad with your choice of mate." Mira said darkly while looking me in the eye.

" Mira please tell me this is some kind of sick joke." I pleaded, but I dought Mira is she never jokes when she's like this.

" Nope." She said while sliding a beer over to another guild member.

" Well do you know where she/he went?" I need to know, I need my mate.

" I know, but why do you deserve to know." She said looking me directly in the eye.

" [Your Name] is my mate I have the right to know." I said with anger, Mira has no right to keep the information of my mate from me.

" Oh so now she/he is your mate now I thought your choice was Lucy." Mira said with her voice raising a little.

" That was a mistake, Gramps told me go for Lucy." I said.

" You of all people should know Gramps better why would he tell you that plus Gramps been out for three weeks at a guild meeting with the other guilds leaders." Mira said carelessly.

" Wait Gramps is out then who was..." Lucy celestial spirits Gimini like at my house they were in gramps office, I messed up big.

" Hmm seems like you came across a realization." Mira said while sliding me a beer, which I took a big gulp of.

" Where did she/he go?" I said with my head on the bar.

" She/he went to the dragon realm I told her/him not to stay in there long because of the time difference, but I think [Your Name] would be going against my wishes on the look she/he gave me before she/he left." Mira stated.

" Smart girl/guy. Went where I can't get to her/him." I said with a crack in my voice. " I'll try to wait and see if she/he will come back it's just the beginning of mating season [nickname] would have to come back soon." I said with a little hope in my voice.

" I hope so too, for both of you guys." Mira said with a small smile on her face. Little did I know we were being watched.

Lucy POV

Damn it Mira, I just got Laxus under my spell and you go and ruin it; maybe I got rid of the wrong person. I coming for ya Mira you better watch out especially when I become queen of the dragons and dragon slayers, but for now back to my plans as long as Mira doesn't open her mouth again I'm good, to make things even better nii-chan left which means I can get things for my plan moving on even faster. I can't wait to break her/him a little more. This is gonna be fun, I thought with the most wickest smile I could muster. Nothing's gonna be able to get in my way.

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