Chapter 6

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[Your Name] POV

" Mira I want out." I said as I approached the bar.

" What do you mean [Your Name] sama."

" I want out of the guild."

" But, why? What's wrong?." Mira said with a worried look on her face, just when Natsu butted in.

" Why [nickname] would you ever want to leave fairytail!? We're the best guild out there!" Natsu did nothing but scream at me.

" Can you not scream that out loud. I'm not leaving permanently, I just want a temporary leave to get away from them."

" Away from who?" Natsu asked. "Yeah. Who?" Mira agreeing with Natsu.

" I ran away to get away from her and now it's like she's just hunting me first she stills my parent then my nakami, now she takes my mate; when well she stop. When well she stop taking from me." I said close to tears.

" Who are you talking about [nick name]?" Natsu asked, I don't think he knows or remeber that Lucy and I are related.

" She/he's talking about Lucy Natsu, they're relate, or more importantly they're sibilings." Mira explained to him.

" Oh." Natsu said. As they were talking I slipped into my mermoies of everthing she did from the moment she was born.

~-~-~- Flashback one ~-~-~-~

I remeber like it was yesterday.

I was so exited to have a little sister it was going to be amazing. I was gonna teacher her the in and outs about this family. Like how to get the toy you want or how to trick the chef into cooking your favorite meal or to get you some candy without mom or dad finding out. But that didn't work out, maybe when she was an infant yeah. Mom and dad was more proud of her growing up than me. I was left behind I was forgotten, I became the black sheep of the family, so I became bitter, I turned rebel I no longer followed the rules but I didn't need to they didn't care I was forgotten. So at the age of sixteen I ran and guess what they never came looking it was like I was erased from their memory.

-~-~-~ Flashback over -~-~-~-

" [Your Name]."
" Hello [nickname] chan."
" Huh what?" I said looking around.
" You was in haze for a bit."
" Oh." It felt like I was reliving my days of being in that dreadful family, but my real family is right here these are the people I need to focus on, but Lucy she was always a schemer always had a plan to be moving on to. She's a dragon slayer also that means she has her own mate but why take mine. If she were to have mated her mate before me she would have got the throne from me, but why mine.
" [Your Name], hello." Natsu said waving his hand in my face while Mira was giving me a worried look.
" Natsu how did you and Lucy meet." I remember hearing about their story and if the story is true they're true mates but why doesn't Natsu act apon it, why would she need my mate, if she's planning something crazy and would look for the strongest slayer she should have went for Natsu he second right under me if I wasn't a slayer he'll be the strongest so why my mate.
" Oh me and Lucy met in this one town I was looking for salamander my dragon cause I heard some called salamander was in town but it was just some dude who was pretending to be me. Lucy said he had so ring that makes girls fall in love with him." Natsu said.
" But if he was wearing on of those rings the only way to break the spell is if your true love cross your path, and Natsu was the only one around which means Natsu is Lucy's mate." Mira stated, after Natsu went away something about finding Happy and giving him some fish for something he did that morning.
" Yeah I know so what could she possibly want with mine." I said
" I'll be back, I'm gonna snoop around the realms for a little while." I said. The moment I said that Mira got real serious.
" Don't take to long in the realms the time there versus the time here is a big difference." Mira said.
" Don't worry this ain't the first time" I pointed out before I went up in smoke straight into the dragon realm, I know Natsu really wants to see Igneel but I don't think he's ready he need more control of his powers, and I'll be the judge of that. Lucy's not the only one hiding things most only thought I was just the going to be the queen of dragon slayer, but I'm more. I'm way more then anyone would ever expect.

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