Chapter #2

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Your Name POV.

Urge tomorrow is mating season; it's been a long week I moved in with Laxus and lucky for me he had an extra room in his apartment; and we came up with the agreement that I buy all the groceries, make all the meals, and pay half on the water bill which is pretty fair sense he pays rent and powers the electricity with his magic. Well anywho time for the guild.

--------- at the guild --------------

As I walked into the guild I smelled the most delicious scent like roasted lemon flavored marshmallows. I guess I'm getting early mating season jitters. Oh no it's just Mira making Laxus some lemonade with s'mores extra roasted marshmallows and may I say Laxus for some reason looks really hot today. He just seems more buff and his shoulders more broad. Oh and don't get me started on that jawline.

" Hey [nick name] Helllo." just to look up to a paw waving in my face. I guess I must have zoned out.

" Huh what where?" I asked snapping out of my haze looking around just to see Happy smiling at me like he knows something.

" Oh nothing [nick name] just that you were staring off in space where Laxus was just standing."

" Yeah so what does that has to do with anything."

" Oh nothing only you likkke hiimmm [nick name] sama." Happy finally said, making heat rise to my cheeks.

" No I don't you dumb... dumb... why am I even talking to go eat a fish or something." I said in a stuttering mess as I was turning so red I could put Erza red hair to shame.

" You like him don't you." urgg this dumb animal just won't leave me be.

" No I don't like him. He's like a brother to me." I said sternly hoping that Happy won't see through me. I know I've been crushing on Laxus for years. It's just, it's just like yummy boy.

" You like him." urgg this blue cat.

" Okay maybe I do a little but if you tell anyone you can say bye, bye to your fish, Natsu, Lucy, Carla, and your wings." I said I really don't want anyone to find out I like him especially if mating season comes up tomorrow and my mom says I have to find a mate this year or I won't be able to take over the throne and it goes to Lucy and I would let hell freeze over if she gets the throne.

" Okay old lady but not the fish. I need my fish." Happy said while whining a little.

" Who are you calling old lady and I can't believe you chose fish over Natsu oh I'm so telling."

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