59 10 3

Kellin is home now, hes making dinner. Well his cheesecake. Dinner is already baking and the salad is in the crisper in his fridge. He is really excited about hearing how Vic liked dinner tomorrow over breakfast. Kellin mixed up the cheesecake mix and put it in the crust just as the salmon got done. Which is great cause he needs to bake the cheesecake! Kellin grabs out the salmon and sits it on the counter then puts the cheesecake in the oven. He sets the timer for 65 minuets.

Since he had no one here to eat with Kellin decided Netflix would be his dinner date. He runs upstairs and grabs his Xbox and his controller. Then runs back downstairs and hooks it up to the TV in the living room. Once everything is set up Kellin goes and makes his and Vic's plates of food.

Kellin grabbed his salad mixture out of the fridge and separated it on the two plates. Then he placed two salmon fillets on top of the salad, drizzling it with the lemon butter sauce he made. Smiling with how amazing it looks Kellin places cling wrap on Vic's plate and places it in the fridge.

With his fork in one hand and his food in the other Kellin makes his way to the couch. Kellin turns on his Xbox and signs in going to the Netflix app.


Once the timer goes off for the cheesecake Kellin realized he had already finished his dinner and was already on episode two of some crap show he had no clue what it was. Kellin grabbed his plate and made his way back into the kitchen. After he put his plate in the dishwasher Kellin put on his oven mitts and grabbed the cheesecake out of the oven. Sitting it on the counter, Kellin looked at his phone to check the time. 11:32 pm. Kellin let out a yawn, but he wasn't tired. And he really wanted some of his cheesecake. So he decided to put the cheesecake in the freezer to cool down fast.

And with that Kellin decided to make the raspberry cream for under the cheesecake.

1 pound of cream-cheese

1/2 pound of fresh raspberries

4 tbs of powdered sugar (or to taste)

Drizzle of raspberry sauce

Kellin remembered how his old nanny would make hers but with chocolate instead. Kellin always loved fruit. So he took her recipe and made it his own. And he loved it. Everyone did. His mother was home one Christmas and Kellin made the cheesecake for a party his mom was making and it was a smash!

Kellin mixed everything together adding a bit of the raspberries in slowly. Making the cream a bit of a pink color.

"OLLIE, OLLIE, IN COME FREE!" Someone shouted from the front door. Kellin jumped and dropped his raspberries all over the floor.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Kellin yelled from the kitchen just as Vic walked in.

"Oh sorry Kellin, I saw the lights on so I assumed you were watching a movie or something. Wait what are you doing?" Vic looked at Kellin with amusement all over his face.

"Well I was making the cream for my cheesecake but I dropped the damn raspberries cause you scared the shit out of me!" Kellin laughed. Vic nodded and walked closer to Kellin. Kellin felt his breathing stop and his heart beat faster and faster. Vic dipped his finger in the cream and then stuck it in his mouth. This caused Kellin to cough to cover a moan that was about to slip out of his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Vic looked at Kellin. A look of shock made its way to Vic's face when he realized what was going on. "Oh um OH!" Vic backed away from Kellin. "Its really good, you don't need anymore raspberries anyways!" Vic smiled before taking his tie off.

"Your dinners in the fridge, you just need to heat it back up." Kellin mumbled as he walked to the freezer to grab the now cool cheesecake. "I hope you like fish cause its what I made. If not I'm sorry.." Kellin said cutting his voice down to a whisper at the end.

"Hey I will eat anything you put in front of my face! I am always hungry!" Vic smiled walking to the fridge. Kellin blushed, before walking over to the pantry where he keeps his platters. Grabbing the perfect platter for his cake he walked back to the counter and spread the cream on the bottom before placing the cake on top.

"Good thing I kept some raspberries in the fridge to top the cheesecake." Kellin gigged while walking to the fridge to grab them. He drizzled a little of the raspberry sauce on top of the cake before adding raspberries and some fresh mint.

"And tada! Its done!" Kellin cheered. Kellin was so happy it was done because it looked absolutely beautiful. He didn't even want to cut it cause it looked that good. But Kellin decided against that thought and grabbed a knife and a plate. Kellin cut the cake and placed the slice of cake on his plate.

Kellin walked into the living room where Vic was with a huge smile on his face. Kellin sat down next to Vic and forked a bite into his mouth. Kellin felt Vic staring at him, so Kellin looked back.

"Put your fork down Vic." Kellin ordered. Vic looked confused as hell but did as he was told. "Good now close your eyes and open your mouth."

"Um what?" Vic questioned the younger boy.

"Do as I say Vic." Kellin said in a stern voice. Vic listened to what Kellin told him to do, and with that Kellin got a piece of his cake on his fork and put the fork on Vic's tongue. "Okay close your mouth now silly boy." Vic did what he was told closing his mouth around the fork. Kellin gently pulled the fork out of Vic's mouth leaving the piece of cake on Vic's tongue. Vic kept his eyes closed as he chewed the piece of cake. Letting out small whimpers and little moans of pleasure.

"Kellin. That was amazing!" Vic said opening his eyes only to see Kellin had left the room.


Kellin had to get out of there, Vic's moans where turning him on and he couldn't have a boner just chillin there trying to say hello to Vic. So once Vic started moaning Kellin booked it to his room.




The way to a mans heart is through his stomach

Kellin laughed at the message before stripping out of his clothes and going to bed.


Alright guys, lets do another 5 votes to get the next chapter! I hope you liked this one! It was more of a filler. :) Anyways 5 votes for the next chapter! And the next chapter is ready! SOOO If we get another 5+ votes I will make it a triple update!!!!!!!! 

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