The Whole Enchilada

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Kellin is sitting on his bed with his lap top, pouting in frustration. 

“Do I really need to do this Gabe?” He questioned running his hand through his freshly died black hair. 

“Yes! Kellin you never get out! So what better way to meet someone? You are always online anyways. So why should it matter? All I am saying is give it a shot, who knows you might meet someone who catches your eye!” Gabe said happily. 

Gabe and Kellin have been friends since like third grade. They know everything about each other. Ever since Kellin came out as gay Gabe has been trying to set Kellin up with random people. Kellin rolled his eyes thinking about it. Looking down at his laptop Kellin starts filling out the forms. 


Traveling Boots Dating Center:

Please fill out everything on the form below. 

Name: Kellin Quinn


Age: 18

Sex: Male

“Kellin give me your phone for a moment!” Gabe interrupts Kellin. He looked at Gabe with question filled eyes as he handed him his phone. 

Occupation: Student

Location: Denver Colorado

Highest level of education completed: Working to get my diploma! 

How did you find this page?: A very annoying friend >.<

Why are you filling out this for?: I guess you could say I am lonely, and would like to find someone to complete me?

How would you rate yourself in terms of your physical attractiveness?: How would I rate myself? Well I would give myself a -5 on my scale. 

What do you look like?: Long black hair, short fit frame. 

How would you rate yourself in terms of your intelligence?: About an 8

How would you rate yourself in terms of your emotional maturity and stability?: I feel older then I actually am. 

What is your most defining feature or characteristic?: My eyes

What will we do on our first date?: Im down for almost anything.

User name: Kells<3’sPandas

Password: ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

Kellin finished the form clicking enter and selecting a profile picture, before closing his laptop and looking at Gabe.

“What?” Gabe looked at him. 

“My phone.” Kellin demanded, holding his hand out. Gabe handed him his ohone back with a smile on his face. Wondering what Gabe had done to his phone Kellin unlocked it and saw that he downloaded the app to the dating site. Kellin was shocked to say the least. Why was Gabe so interested in setting Kellin up? 

Kellin and Gabe ended up staying up almost all night playing Black Ops 2. Just laughing back and forth with each other. Gabe went home about 3 am. Kellin was alone in silence that is until he was getting ready to go to bed. Kellin got a message on that dating app. 

U R SEXY!” was all it said. Kellin decided he would ignore that message. He cant stand people who can't type correctly. Locking his phone and putting it on his night stand, he crawls into bed and lays away for a little thinking about just deleting the app and him from the system in general. He didn't need to be on this site in the first place. Laying there thinking Kellin drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

*Insert Marimba ring-tone here*


Hello, my names V....


What do you guys think so far? I think I like it! I guess we will see how this one works out! Photo on the side is The picture Kellin uploaded as his profile picture!

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