Chapter 12: Our outfits

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Maya P.O.V
Me and Ben walked into the mall first ignoring the group. Jeff and the other two later on joined us. "Hey wait up love birds!" Steph yelled out. My eyes widened, I blushed uncontrollable. "Wha-" I stopped and kept walking. Ben also blushed and got closer to me. "Ok gang split up. Girls with girls, boys with boys." Jeff said getting in between us, I rolled my eyes and teleported to where Jane and Steph were.
Jeff P.O.V
I'm gonna help them. You know Ben and Maya, Maya and Ben... Yea those people. "Ask her." I said to Ben while we walked around. "Ask who what?" He asked. "Maya dumbass! Ask her out to prom! Fucking idiot." I rolled my eyes and walked into a store with him. "How? I'm nervous..." he blushed and looked down. We picked out our things and then walked out. I sat with him in the food court waiting for the girls. "Go with the flow." I finally answered him. "Ok..." He nodded and waited anxiously for Maya.
Ben P.O.V
Jeff had only given me one advice, go with the flow, it's gonna help since he finally Jane. The girls walked out running towards us with three bags, Maya had hers, Steph had hers, and Jane had hers. "H-h-hey Maya! So what's your outfit like?" I asked. "Well I have no time to explain, let's go." She answered me and smiled. Maya grabbed all of us and teleported us to the house. "GIRLS GET DRESSED LETS SEE HOW WE LOOK!!!" Stephanie yelled out and ran to the bathroom, Jane ran to the other bathroom, and Maya ran to her own room. "Hmm...I wonder what they'll look like." Jeff said under his breath. "Cute." I answered him. A couple of mins pass and we see the girls walk out. "So...what do you think?" Maya asked me. "You look..." I couldn't find the words. "I look..." She looked at me. "Gorgeous." I said almost melting. "How about me Jeff?" Jane asked him. "BEAUTIFUL!!!" He answered. "Oh no..." She looked down and then got tackled by Jeff who was attacking her with kisses. "Hmm, Maybe Steph went to her ghost world and asked Jonathan how she looked." Maya said fixing her dress. "Hey Ben." She said at the same time I said "Hey Maya." "Woul- uh you go first." We said in sync. "No no you." Maya said blushing. "Do you wanna MAYBE go with me to prom?..." I asked blushing and trying to cover my face with my hat. "I was gonna ask the same thing!" Maya replied, I hugged her. "Woo hoo!" Maya kissed my cheek and then teleported back into her room.

Next chapter-Prom!

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