Chapter 3: Excercise with Nathan

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"Open your book page 217"

Today is the second week that I got paired with Nathan. Still long enough to 6 months but I'm already so sick of this guy. He literally spat things at me everyday.

Before I got in the class, I met this new girl named Kelsey and she was such a sweet girl! She took Design class as well which will be my new chair-mate. We became friends and I actually like her a lot, she is so lovely.

"Now I want you guys to do this excercise together with your partner, the first team who finish it will get double scores for the next test. Remember, no cheating! Good luck!" Mr. Jimmy said.

I sighed. It means that I have to interact with Nathan, the rude and annoying guy. I carefully looked at him, trying not to get caught staring at him. He was busy texting.. again.

"You do the exercise, I will be the one to collect it" Nathan said as he finished texting.

"No way! We do this together!" I protested.

"Excuse me?!" he raised his eyebrows. "I'm not repeating myself again, you do the exercise and I'll be the one who collect it!"

"Alright then I'll just write down only my name on the paper" I shrugged.

He looked at me disbelief. Yeah 2 can play in one game eh?

"Fine. Let's start it" he sighed.

We began to discuss about these 5 questions. Each questions has 3 options that we need to answer so basically we have 15 questions to be answered. Honestly Nathan is not a really good partner to do this thing, he didn't say anything, he is not helping at all. He just stared at the questions and basically it's just me who answered the whole questions.

"What is the latin name for tiger?" I read the question. "It's... Definitely Panthera Leo"

"Are you some kind of genius?! It's Panthera Tigris for fuck shake" this time Nathan spoke.

"No it's Panthera Leo, I'm sure!"

"Panthera Leo is for lion, not tiger, you fucking idiot!" Nathan snapped.

I looked at him. His tone of voice sent a dagger in my heart. I know he hates me but he didn't have to swear at me and called me an idiot. He seemed to realize that he offended me, so his face soften.

"Sorry.. Trust me, it's Panthera Tigris" he said softly.

Since that, he took over the paper and answered the rest of the questions without even asking for my opinion. I just sat there, looking at him who is busy solving the questions.

"It's done" he said, putting his pen on the table and headed to Mr. Jimmy to collect the paper.

Mr. Jimmy took the paper and checked all of the answers. Nathan still stood there in front of Mr. Jimmy's table.

"Well done, Sykes, Pieters. You answered all the questions correctly. You both will get double scores for the next test. Great job guys!" Mr. Jimmy smiled.

The others seemed disappointed as they failed to be the first team to finish it. Nathan smiled proudly and came back to his seat next to me.

"Well that was fun, what do you think?" he asked, smiled at me.

Hang on, did he really just ask me? And smiled at me? What the hell? He suddenly turned into.. a nice person? Just when I thought of that, the bell rang and I quickly took my bag and stormed out of the class.

I made my way to my locker to take my stuff. Today has been so weird, like really weird. Just when I was about to go, I heard someone called my name.

"Anna, wait!"

I knew this voice. I turned around to see Nathan, running a bit. What now?

"What do you want Nathan?"

"I'm sorry I yelled at you and called you idiot, I was out of line and I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you" he looked at me.

Did he just apologize to me? Nathan Sykes is asking for my apology? What the hell just happened here?

"Look Nathan, I don't understand you. Your mood just constantly changed in a second. One minute you were being a completely dick to me then-"

"Did you just call me dick?!" he cut my words. "Don't you EVER call me a dick!" he sounded so angry.

I gasped. "I-I didn't mean to-"

"Save it! I was trying to be nice to you and see what I got now.. You're being incredibly bitch to me. You know what? Screw yourself! I'm done with you. You're weird and freak!" he spat and walked away.

I watched as his presence disappeared. I felt my cheeks warm that's when I realized I was crying. Yes his words was hurting me a lot. I didn't mean to call him dick, it just came out from my mouth. I wiped my tears and headed to the front gate to go home.

There I saw Nathan with Leah, he grabbed her waist, pulling her closer and snogged her. I'm disgusted with what I look. I turned the other way and walked home. Remind me again not to mess with Nathan ever again.


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