Chapter 38: Interview

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We were ready for Nathan's interview today to confirm about our relationship. The pictures of me and Nathan in Disneyland had spread through twitter and the fans had been asking whether Nathan had a girlfriend. Nano had booked an interview for Nathan to announce the fans that we are dating. Nathan was pretty calm about it, while I couldn't help being worried.

The thing is, ever since my picture with Nathan in Disneyland had spread on twitter, most of the fans found my twitter account and began sending tweets. Tweets in any way: hates. They said that I used Nathan for his fame and his money, they even called me the 'third-wheel' between him and Ariana. Most of them are Nariana shippers. At first I ignored them, but the hates got even more and more, and I can't help being upset about it.

Nathan was rushing to get ready because you know.. He takes forever to get ready. I just sat on the edge of the bed, thinking about what would happen after the interview. I would definitely get more hates than I already got now. I wish dating a popstar was not this hard.

"Anna Jean Pieters, are you listening to me?" Nathan waved his hand in front of me.

I snapped on my thought and looked up at him. "Pardon?"

He frowned. "What's with you being so quiet on this fine morning?" he asked as he put his shoes on.

"I'm good" I played with my fingers. I couldn't tell Nathan about the whole hates I'm getting from the fans, he would not be pleased to know about it. And it's not fair that he will hate his own fans because of me.

"Okay then, let's go!"


Something went wrong here. The whole ride Anna was so quiet, she barely said anything and she looked pretty upset. I asked what was wrong but she said nothing.

Women.. Always say 'fine' when nothing is fine.

"Welcome back Nathan! This is your dressing room, we will start the interview in the next 30 minutes so be ready" the guy showed us the dressing room before he left.

I sat on the couch, followed by Anna. I glanced at her to see that she kept checking on her phone. Sometimes I caught her weird expression, as if she was uncomfortable or upset to whatever she was looking at.

I sighed. "Babe, just tell me what's wrong"

It bugged me a lot that she acted like this. This is not her. She is always happy, unlike she is now. Something must happened and I have to find it out.

She shook her head and smiled. "Nothing is wrong babe"

Just when I was about say something, the door opened and Rachel, my manager, walked in.

"Nathan be ready, your interview starts in 15 minutes!" she ordered as she threw me a shirt then stopped as she saw Anna. "Hello, my name is Rachel, what's your name?"

"I'm Anna, nice to meet you, Rachel" Anna said, shaking Rach's hand.

Rachel gasped. "Ah so you are the famous Anna! Baby Nath couldn't shut his mouth from talking about you" she smirked at her, Anna blushed a bit.

I rolled my eyes. "Quit it, Rach!"

She chuckled then turned to Anna. "Can I talk to you for a bit? It's nothing serious, honestly"

Anna nodded. "Yeah sure"

Rachel motioned to follow her outside, Anna put her phone and purse on the table, leaving me alone in the dressing room. Once they were outside, I looked at Anna's phone on the table. Curiosity kills me.

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