Chapter 12

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I stood there in front of my painting, for once admiring something I had done in my art. Nathan stood beside me, staring in awe. We were both standing in a high school hallway, filled with a thousand other confused teenagers still figuring out life, but it felt like we were in a different universe. A universe where we didn't have to move, we could just stand and stare at the art we've made.

    The canvas was littered with precise strokes. The edges were dominated by dark black, blue, and purple wisps. But as the edges gave way to the middle, colorful, dominant colors took over. Pink, orange, red, and yellow all twisted together to form a fortress against the darkness.

The tag read: My Night Skies, dedicated to my Father and Gabriel

I looked at my painting once again, not even bothering to take off the ribbon telling me I had won first prize. It didn't matter to me what I had won. What mattered was what I felt when I looked at my art.

"You know, this contest was just and excuse to talk to you."

Nathan's eyes were still on my painting, but he was standing closer to me. He was smiling, and he looked content.

I didn't know what to think and I didn't think about what I was doing. I reached out for his hand, and intertwined my fingers with his. I heard his breath catch, but he didn't let go.

Slowly, I turned around to face him, pulling him by his hands to face me as well. He looked at me in wonder.

"Nathaniel Hawthorne, I think I love you. "

I spoke my first sentence in 2 years in a clear voice, and my voice rang through the small hallway. Tears ran down my face, but I wasn't sad. This was the happiest I had felt in my life, and as I stood in that hallway in front of my creation, I cried for the first time because I was completely and utterly happy.

    I saw his eyes go from shocked, to confused, to scared, to sad, and then to complete joy.

"Cassidy Hepburn, I know I love you too."


     The way I see it, everyone in the world is divided into two categories. In category A are the people who really make a difference in this world. They know they're lucky to be here, they live their life to the fullest, and they touch the hearts of everyone they meet. They're the people who will do anything, just to make sure that life will be easier for someone else. These are the people who appreciate their lives and the beauty of being here. In category B, you have the people who haven't figured that out yet. They're the people who need help, and they don't understand how lucky they are just to be a part of the world. They are oblivious of how much they're needed, and they are the people who need Category A the most.  But the people in Category B don't know that even they, have the power to be extraordinary.


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