Shopping With A Grandparent

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I'll make this brief.

Shopping with a grandparent, and in my case my grandmother, can sometimes feel...

... Victimizing.

Like for every piece of clothing you try on in the changing room area, she always finds a way to just judge it.

She keeps telling me to buy something "nice" to wear and things that are more "girly" like skirts.

I don't do skirts. -_-

I'll admit, I wore some when I was little, but I don't anymore.

My only acceptation is a dress.

I'm more of a graphic t-shirt and jeans kind of person.

But there was something that my grandma mentioned while shopping today that really, really, offended me.

I vaguely remember it cause I was busy today, but it went something like this;

"Well, you have a boyfriend now, so he should expect you to wear skirts and nice things for him."

...I'm sorry, what?

So just because that I have a boyfriend, I have to dress myself up and wear clothes that I don't even like that much for his entertainment?

Here's the thing...

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost three years, but we've been best friends since the 3rd grade.


That means we've known each other for almost 10 YEARS.

By now, my own boyfriend knows what I like and don't like to wear. Because he accepts me for me. For being myself and for wearing the clothes that make me feel like myself.

I'm not going to change my look. That's like becoming a completely different person to me. It's like pretending to be something that I'm not.

Once I realized what my grandmother had told me, I yelled at her, (not in a mean way) that I was seriously offended and that I was just done, and stormed away to another part of the store.

My aunt tells me it's just "grandma being grandma".

But sometimes it's just... -_-

I have no words right now.

And another example, we were shopping at Sports Check for a new swimsuit and my grandpa picked out a pair of swim shorts for me to wear because she thought mine were too long.

She picked our spandex short shorts.

So she wants me to almost expose my butt?

Why grandma?!

.... This is why shopping with my grandmother is one of my least favourite things to do.


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