Drunken People At Concerts

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So last night for her birthday, my step-mother took me with her to see the Rascal Flats. 

It was an awesome show! 

I learned a bunch of their new songs, practically screamed my heart out as I sang the songs I DID know, and overall just had a good time. 

But the one thing that DID kind of annoy me a bit, was the drunken people that sat around us. 

Now I knew it was coming. I mean, it was the Molsen Canadian Amphitheater, I saw those drinks being delivered left and right like the staff were giving them away for free! 

But most of the time, I felt that these people should AT LEAST be cautious about how much they are drinking. 

Because there was this group of girls next to me and my step-mother, only they were older than both me and my parent COMBINED! 

They were in like their late 40's, early 50's. 

Anyways, they were on their feet for the entire show, and every like, 20 minutes I saw a new drink in their hand. 

The worst thing about it was, they kept blocking our view of the stage. 

I mean sure, their were also two giant TV's to the side so we could have got a glimpse of the band from there, but nope. We wanted to actually SEE them. 

So me and my step-mother moved down because the people that sat there earlier had up and left. And wouldn't you know it, five minutes later, those same group of ladies moved down and blocked our view!


So my step-mom gets one of the girls attention, and waves her hand over, asking them politely to move because we couldn't see the band. 

Well, that one lady had a little too much too drink, because she misinterpreted what my step-mom had said, and just smiled so brightly and started waving her hands in the air like she just didn't care. 

-_- ugh....

So in the middle of the show, they finally calmed down, breaking off into pairs. One pair sat in the row in front of us, the other two walked off to another section of the theater.

Around that time, we decide to put our feet up, relax a little because no body else was around so we took the chance to put our feet up on the railing. 

Only except the pair from the other section kept. coming. BACK. 

They would walk back and forth every five minutes! 

And half of the time, they didn't even say "excuse me" or "can we get through please?" they just kept coming, full speed ahead and 20% of the time they'd bump into my step-mom's legs cause they were moving so fast! 

This is why drunk people at concerts annoy me. 

If you're going to drink at concerts, at least take a moment to think it over and REALIZE how much you're going to drink. 

Because sometimes it can be disruptive to those around you. 

... I just hope those ladies took a cab home. 


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