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I was going to post a rant about something that went down in my life yesterday...

But I had already vented it out with some friends, and my dad (kinda), and I'm a bit better now, so right now I'm not exactly feeling it to post said rant right now...

So that's why I am coming to you! Yes, YOU! My fellow ranters and readers!

Is there something about there in the world of the media or whatever that's irritating you? Having trouble forming words to describe it?

Let me know in the comment section below!

If I know enough about the said topic, I'll consider writing a rant about it. 

Until then, later gators!

... Also, which of my "books I haven't updated in about a month" should I update?

1. Reality To Virtual
2. Return Of The Titans
3. Cybertron's Fairytale
4. The Iron Maiden

Let me know! I want something to do before class starts in a few hours!

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