Chapter 1 - Meet A New Friend From The Heavens

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Chapter 1 - Meet A New Friend From The Heavens

Cassidy's P.O.V.


     Today was the day where Travis, Rick, and I finally pack up our things and move to the outer-sides of Seattle to find my mate and friends.

     Travis and Rick were currently loading up the truck with our suitcases and bags, while I on the other hand, was busy starring at my mum's bow and quiver. It has been a long time since I've laid a finger on it, and right now, I was too scared to touch it. I know, you're probably wondering why the hell am I scared to touch a bow. The reason why I'm scared is because if I pick up this bow, that means this will be the beginning of my adventure. Meaning, I can actually die this time.

     My eyes continued to trail down the silver metal of the handle, while following the fancy swirls of gold that decorated every inch of the handle. The bowstring looked new, meaning someone had just switched it. Probably Travis, seeing as he took care of my belongings while I was in a coma. My eyes darted over towards the thing next to it. My quiver. The quiver, too, was silver metal and swirled with gold, only different thing about it was that there was a large purple gem that sat in the middle of the quiver, twinkling and winking at me as the light reflected off from it. My eyes trailed up to what laid in the quiver. The arrows. Each arrow was carefully hand made by me and was filled with deadly substance. I cringed as the howls of the rogues and the leader came to my mind.

     I walked closer to the bow and quiver, my hands shaking as I reached out to grab it. I closed my eyes as my hand wrapped around the bow. As if my bow could tell that it was me, it hummed to life. I could feel the both of us rejoining together as the bow greeted me with it's warmth. I opened my eyes and grinned at my mum's bow. My other hand reached out and grabbed the quiver by it's leather straps. I strapped the quiver onto my back as I slung my mum's bow over my shoulder like I usually would do.

     "Hurry up, Cass! It's time to go!" shouted Rick from the front door. I broke out of my thoughts as I raced towards the front door. I met Rick and Travis in the front, grinning at them. They grinned back as they noticed my old weapons around me.

     "It's been a long time since I've seen those," said Rick, gazing at my mum's bow and quiver. I nodded and sighed. I looked back up to the house as Travis shut the door and locked it from the outside.

     Travis, Rick, and I were standing in-front of the house, gazing sadly at it. Even though this wasn't my real home, it had became my third home. My first home was the house in the forest, where Keith, Lucas, May, and I used to live. My second home was where Saxon's previous house was. And now, there was this house.

     As the three of us walked away and jumped into the truck, we glanced at it one last time before we took off. Travis sat in the driver's seat, listening to the sat nav as it told him to turn here and there. Rick sat in the passenger seat, horribly singing along to his favorite music that was on the radio. I sat in the backseat, looking out the window, watching as blurs of green pass by. I glanced down at the file in my lap and opened it. I looked through it one last time. As I came upon the last file, I realized that I had missed this one, seeing as it was stuck to the previous file. I detached it from the back of the last file and gulped slightly as I stared back at the face that was starring back at me. Lucas Ruth.

     My cousin. I read his profile and noticed that his too, said, 'No longer active' in the active box. I hadn't realized the pain that overwhelmed me when I began to think of how much pain I had put everyone through when they had realized that I was 'dead'. I closed the file and leaned my head against the headrest, slowly drifting asleep.

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