Chapter 7

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"And...and then she said...isn't he the one with the hammer!" Lianna laughed as she finished her story about a friend of hers who thought Thor was Batman. I lughed along with her, just as hard, if not harder. How could anyone be that stupid!

"She really asked that?" 

"Yeah!" She laughed lighter, starting to calm down. 

"Wow. What a genius." I shoook my head, smiling.

"I know! How thick can you get?" 

"Any other interesting stories?" I asked her. Lianna's stories always seemed to be funny or have humor whereas mine are sort of depressing about me getting rejected. 

"Yeah actually. One time when I was in first grade, a kid named Ben Jackson told me he liked me and wanted to kiss me." 

"Wow. He just laid it all out didn't he." I smirked. 

"Bad choice of words Liam." She smirked back realizing the innuendo I had accidentally said. 

"You have such a dirty mind!" I nudged her. "Continue with the story." 

"Okay, so Ben had told me he liked me, and I was in first grade, I thought boys had cooties still! So I hauled back my arm, and I punched him." I stared at her in shock. She punched a boy because he liked her? Wow, good luck future boyfriend...or current one.

"You punched him?"

"In the face. Right in the nose. Didn't break it. Only gave him a bloody nose." She shrugged innocently. 

"And what happened after?" 

"He ran and told the teacher. I got suspended." She shrugged again. 

"Is Ben scared of you now or what?" I smiled.

"Actually no. He's my boyfriend now." She smiled up at me. "Been dating since sixth grade." 

"Wow. It only took him five years to get the courage to tell you again." I smiled down at her. Although a little part of me was dissapointed to hear that she was with Ben, I was happy for her. 

"Yeah. Congrats to him. Although I don't think I make a very good girlfriend." She frowned a bit.


"I'm always practicing with the girls, doing homework, or at the comic book store." She giggled. 

"Oh come on! What's wrong with the comic book store?" 

"A lot according to Ben. He thinks I'll meet some guy there who'll sweep me off his feet with good looks, talent, and love for the same super heros as me."

"I could be the one to do that you know." I stated without thinking.

"What?" She looked up at me wide eyed.

"What?" I said. "So you have a turtle?" I said quickly changing the subject to anyhting other than what I just said.

"Yeah. Margaret! She is my prized possesion." Lianna laughed. 

"I love turtles so much!" I exclaimed.

"I know!" She said matching my tone. "Wanna see a picture?" I had no time to respond before she unlocked her phone and began tapping away. "Isn't she cute?" She smiled and held her phone up for me to see the picture. Her nose scrunched a bit because of how big she was smiling.

"Aw, she's adorable!" I smiled and handed the phone back to Lianna. 

"Thanks. I think of her as my baby girl and I'm her mommy." Lianna smiled looking down at the picture. She scrolled left and another picture of Margaret showed up but this time she was being held by Lianna who was in a short purple dress with her hair straightened and make up on. "Here we are going to my older brothers wedding."

"Wow pretty." I took the phone from her hand gently and zoomed in on her and smiled

"I'll tell Margaret you said that about her." She rolled her eyes and laughed. 

"Hey..." I said and she looked up at me. "I wasn't talking about the turtle." 

"Oh..." She said. 


I quietly reached for my phone without breaking eye contact with Liam. I once read that if you hold eye contact with someone for longer than six seconds, you wither want them dead or you want to have sex with them. And I am definitaley not wanting to kill Liam. But I wouldn't want to have sex with him either.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"Anytime." He responded. We were still hlding eye contact when my little sister ran up to me.

"Lianna!" She jumped onto me and hugged me.

"Hey, Joy!" I greeted her. "Liam, meet my little sister Joy. Joy meet Liam." 

"Liam Payne. Wow, my friends are not going to believe me!" She squealed excitedly. 

"Hi Joy! It's great to meet you! Your sister has told me about you." He winked at me over her shoulder as he crouched down to her height. 

"Really?" She looked back at me and I nodded. "What did she say?"

"She told me that you liked One Direction." Liam smiled at her.

"Oh I do!" She nodded vigorously. 

"That's good because I know some people in One Direction." He told her and she giggled her little girl giggle. 

"Are you going to date my sister?" She asked suddenly. Joy looked between Liam and I with wide hopeful eyes.

"No, we just met. Besides your sister had Ben and Margaret and I have Danielle." Liam ribbed her arm. 

"Oh." She looked at the ground. 

"But we are friends now!" I said in attempt to make her smile. "So iam and I will still hang out." I smiled at her.

"As friends?" Joy asked and Liam and I nodded. "For now." She nodded then began to walk away.

I caught her skirt and asked her, "What does that mean?" 

"Well, pretty much all girls who are friends with boys or a boy will end up dating them or him. It happens all the time." Joy stated as if it was obvious. How could my younger sister who wasn't even in the fourth grade yet, understand relationships better than me. 

"Well, that won't happen between Liam and I." I assured ehr and her face fell. 

"Fine." She pouted.

"Hey, how 'bout I go introduce you to the other boys?" Liam suggested and Joy smiled and nodded. He took her hand and began walking with her back towards the group as I followed.


A/N: I haven't updated in forever! Oh my gods! I am so sorry to the few people who actually stuck with me and like this story! 

So, Zerrie got enegaged! Yay! Although that raises a question for me:

Should I still write about Zayn and Zoe and their relationship or should I have them just stay friends?

I really need to know so any response to that question will be helpful!

Anyway, next POV is Haley's and Harry's! Will be up soon! I promise! Before November and hopefully before October! 

This chapter is short and I apologize! I wrote it all tonight because I felt bad about not updating! Remeber to answer my question:

Should I still write about Zayn and Zoe and their relationship or should I have them just stay friends?

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