Chapter 8

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"Cats. Cats are easily the best animals in this world." Haley nods with her final decision. We were back at the little broom closet where we first met. Well technically where I first sort of kidnapped her. 

"I agree. I love cats." I told her. "Do you have a cat?" 

"Yep! I have cat named Bella. It means beautiful in Italian." Haley smiles then pulls out her phone. 

"What breed?" 

"Munchkin." She answers as she brings up a photo of Bella. 

"Wow! She's so cute!" I say as I look down at her phone screen. 

"Thanks. I picked her out on my own." She smiles proudly. 

"I really want to see your cat now." 

"Well, now you have an excuse to come see me again." She told me as she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"Yeah, I do." I smiled down at her. She had two dimples on either side of her radiant smile. "You know, I came up with a word for you."

"Oh did you now?" She asked me, adjusting the beanie on her head.

"Well, I didn't really make it up, more like it's one word I have reserved for you." I told her. 

"And what word would that be?" 

"Stunning." I answered simply. 


"Stunning." I confirmed. 

"Stunning. Stunning is a big word." Haley said to me. 

"A big beautiful word it is." I agreed. "Let me see your phone." 

"Why?" Haley asked taking it out and tracing a design on the back of it.

"So I can enter in my number you stunning idiot." I laughed. 

"Give me yours please." I handed her my phone in exchange for hers. 

I entered my name as Harry Styles and put two cat emojis next to my name. I took a fabulous picture of myself and handed her back her phone. She gave me mine and we reviewed each other's contacts.

"You put your name as Stunning?" I asked smiling. 

"Yeah. That way you'll always remember your word for me." She flashed me a small smile. 

"You took a stunning picture." I told her.

"That's like the tenth time you've said the word stunning within five minutes." She looked at me funny.

"I love the word." I shrugged innocently.

"You took a fabulous picture." She told me with looking at her phone screen. SInce the closet was kind of dark, the phone screen lit up her face and you could see just the outlines of her features. "Fabulous." 


"That, Harry, is my word for you." Haley looked up at me with her thumbs hoovering above her phone screen. 


"Yes, you heard me. Fabulous. Would you like me to spell it out for you? F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S." Haley spoke slowly for me as if I was six. 

"Gee Hals, thanks." I laughed at her then shook my head smiling.

"You're welcome." She shrugged then grabbed my hand. "C'mon Mr. Fabulous!" She tugged me out of the closet and into the bright light of the hall way. 

"So, tell me about yourself." I took her hand and we turned left down another hallway with large windows on either side and a view of a large garden on both sides.

"My full name is Haley Marjorie Kensington. I enjoy cats, I can't eat fish or sea food, I go to Leman Manhattan Boarding School, I'm 18, I have a tumblr and a twitter and an instagram like all of the other girls." Haley said but I cut her off.

"What your username?" I asked pulling out my phone and typing in my passcode. 

"It's really lame actually." She looked at the ground. 

"Oh c'mon it can't be that bad." I looked at her waiting.

"It's halthehalster." She answered quietly. 

"Sorry what?" I asked smiling. I had heard clearly but I wanted to hear her say it again. I scratched the back of my ear with my left index finger. 

"Halthehalster. You heard me the first time Fabulous." She told me the blew a strand of stray hair out of her face.

"Anyway, continuing on with what you were saying about yourself..." I tapped away on my phone, following her on instagram and twitter.

"You know about my cat, you know I'm in a band, my favorite color is purple, I wish I had a purple cat, I'm known as the music obsessed one in the group, I want to dye my hair red, and I love food but I love cats more than anything in life" Haley told me as she listed off the facts on her fingers.

"Don't." I told her as I took a piece of her brown hair in my hand. 

"Don't? Don't what?" She asked confused.

"Dye your hair." I told her simply.


"Why not, mom?" I asked me putting her hands on her hips. 

"Because, darling, I said so." He immitated a pitched voice and dramatically released her hair from my grasp. I tried to keep my irratated face on, but you know when you'r in a fight with your best friend but you can't stay mad at them? Yeah, that's what happened to me. I slowly started to smile, as did Harry.

"In the U.K. is it illegal to hate Harry Potter?" I asked out of no where. 

"Yeah. Pretty much. People can get arrested for hate crimes against Harry Potter." He told me seriously. 

"What really?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Yep. If you burn anything Harry Potter related, you will get arreasted." 

"No way!" 


"Y'know Harry, I see this as being the beginning of a lovely friendship." I told him as we continued walking around the halls. 


A/N: I know, I know. Short update. But hey, I tried. So I already have half of the next chapter typed out and I can't wait to post it!

Now for me to post again here are the rquirments: 7 votes and 7 comments! 



Hope to update soon! Love you all!

Oh, and before I go, does anyone watch Doctor Who, or Sherlock, or NCIS?



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