HetaOni : Flashback

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(Someone's POV)


"This would be our new house from now on! Isn't it beautiful? "
"Oh , I'm so sure you'll love how it looks like from the inside! "
The mansion that was once belonged to my ancestors was passed down to my parents and I.
No relatives of ours wanted this mansion which was quite a mystery but we at least had a home to live in.

We were the poorest within the family tree and all of our relatives looked down on us.
Our only servant was a boy around my age named , Steven.
Or who I'd like to call "Stevie".
Stevie became our "servant" as we had saved his life.
But the term "servant" was just a cover.
He wasn't really much of a servant even though he does our housework.
He was already "family".
Stevie was loyal to me and he would do anything to protect me.
He was also my childhood friend.

But. .. After a few months living in the mansion , I began hearing weird noises from the basement.
And one night , I finally went to find out what was making those noises.
Stevie who was awake at the time decided that he would follow me so that if anything happens, he could protect me.

So the both of us headed towards the basement.
As we went deeper in , I heard someone saying , "Only two can change the past."
I followed the voice and finally went to the basement's jail.
"W-what's this" I asked.
I picked up a book and then everything went black.

"There's a witch living in this mansion! Surrender her and you'll be spared!"
That was the first thing I heard after I woke up.

"Are you alright...?" Stevie asked.
"Yeah... What happened? "
He looked down for sometime and suddenly grabbed my hands , "I'll protect you no matter what! So whatever you do , don't worry! " He smiled and locked my room.

Everyone left me in my room and I didn't know anything.
Then as I was about to leave my bed , I felt something next to me.
It was that book I picked up.

"Only two can change the past."

As bored as I can be , I started to write in the book.
Then , I realized that , in one of a page , there was something written in there.
"Que5 sjes9 meo3 chxu8 hopa1 ejem"

"Ahahahaha! You've set me free! You've set me free! How can I ever thank you? How can I ever thank you?" A vipice came out of the book.
"I know! I know! Why don't I let you be the "witch" ? Hahaha! Yes! Yes! You shall be the "witch"! You shall be the "witch" ! " The voice said and at that moment, I felt a strong power rushing through my body.

And suddenly , I heard the screams of my mother and father.
I rushed out of the room.
It was strange since the room was locked.

"Good luck now... Ehehehe..."

When I ran towards the living room , all I saw was blood splattered everywhere.
And my mother lying on the floor , dead.

Anger filled my head and all I could think of was killing.
With a wave of my hand , I locked every door and every window of the mansion.

As I walked about , I found people.
People who killed my parents.
They couldn't kill me.
And I couldn't kill them.
Well about least alone.
Then , I saw Stevie.
Just then , I had a great idea.
"Ehehehe~ Stevie dear... Why don't you protect me now?" I hugged him and placed a spell on him , "I hope you won't hate me for this..."
And a giant monster appeared before the people.
It killed them mercilessly and all I did was laugh while watching the bloodbath.
It was hilarious , I couldn't stop laughing.
The anger in me was already gone , but the love of seeing people being killed made me crazy.

The feeling was the best.
I needed more victims.
And thus , I managed to get some victims by sending "human" Stevie out and spread rumours of the mansion.

But... As years passed , someone finally was able to made it out from the mansion , and he even stole my journal.

And well. .. You know what happened...

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