Trip Down Memory Lane

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Oh yeah, that feels good! I was the last one to take a shower. While I was, a song popped into my head..

"I gave you.. Blood, blood

Gallons of this stuff

I gave you all that you could drink

And it has never been enough

I gave you blood, blood, blo-o-od!

I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love!" (Blood by My Chemical Romance)

Ironic? I thought of the freaks out there. Haha.

After showering, I went in the room Dylan gave us and put on some clothes: Black tank top, cargo pants, and my trusty combat boots. I also wore all the accessories like I always had. All of them had a sentimental value. They were from very special people. Then I strapped on my weapons, just in case.

After combing my hair, I went out of the room and looked for anybody. Then I heard footsteps behind me..

I drew my gun and aimed it at.. Dylan.

"Whoa! Don't shoot!", he said.

"Geez dude, you scared the shit outta me." I said.

"Sorry, didn't mean to. Were you the one singing?"

I laughed and put my gun back, "Yeah, that was me. Why?"

"Nothing. It's been awhile since I heard music, ya know?", he chuckled. "There's food in the lobby. Wanna go eat?"


We went downstairs and saw Katrina and my dad eating. So we joined in. We talked about stuff. Mostly about ourselves.

Dylan was living alone before all this. When he went to visit his parents, he saw them, but they weren't THEM anymore. So he ran away. Luckily, he survived. Then he met this group. But when things got worse, they left him. And he's been alone ever since.

"That's why I have trust issues. I honestly just don't know who's worth trusting anymore.."

"Don't worry, Dylan. We got your back." Katrina said with a smile.

"You could come with us, if you want? We're headed to Atlanta. They say its safe there." dad offered.

"No thanks." he said

"Why not?" I asked

"I've been doing well alone. So I'll stick with that." he replied.

"Well, at least take some of our guns and food." dad said.

"Are you sure? You might need it more than I do."

"We owe you. You took us in. That's the least we could do to repay you."

"Okay. Thank you so much." Dylan said with a smile.

"I have a question.." Katrina blurted out. "Why the fuck did you nail dead freaks to the doors and windows??"

Yeah, I actually noticed that too. He locks every entrance then uses dead freaks as 'barricades' around the motel.

"Oh that? When a person gets infected and turns into a freak, they adapt a great sense of smelling and hearing. I use those dead ones so they won't catch my scent."

"Smartass.. We didn't know that." I said.

"Did you also know that you could get infected if you got bit or scratched?"

"Really? That explains the 'dead' body I saw back home who I saw was.." eating my mom. I couldn't say it aloud, you know.

"Who was what?" Katrina asked.

"Nothing..", Oh man. I'm getting all depressed again. "Hey, can I go sleep for awhile? I'm kinda tired."

"Sure, sweetie. Everything okay?" dad said.

"Yup. Good night.", and they all said 'good night' back.

When I got into the room, I took my bag and looked for something.. It was a dream-catcher my mom gave me years ago. I never wore it since they got divorced. This is my last memory of her, so I wore it. All of my accessories are reminders of everyone I love who's gone.

I got on the bed and fell fast asleep.

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