Chapter Eight

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A:N: As you noticed I got a new and improved cover by one of my new good friends, IsabelleHawk. Actually she helped all of covers because I am totally not the best at making covers. Thank you once again and this chapter is for you!


I decided that today I was going to drive my own car. When I get really nervous I start talking in my head but then when I swear I don't I say things out loud. So yes, Thinking out loud would be the perfect song for me during times like this.

I kept looking through the mirror, thinking that it will appear around me unwillingly, making myself a new lab rat for the world. Every time I looked in there I kept asking the same question over and over again, "Was my mom correct? Was she really drunk? Can this be reversed?"

As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw that Kira was waiting by the steps for me. "What will that girl ever do without me?" I asked myself as I walked up to her.

"Did you bring those earbuds I asked for last night?" She asked when I came to a halt right in front of her.

"Step one in distraction for this whole glowing thingy." I said as I held out two dangling earbuds. It was her idea for using them so we can go on with our lives peacefully. I thought it wouldn't work but when you listen to the right bands everything will go away. She plucked the right one out of my hands and plugged it into her phone. Copying her moves, both of us started playing different songs as we walked to class. "No all we need is some air freshener for the hallways." I said as I crinkled up my nose.

"What smell?" She asked as we took our seats. "I don't smell anything."

"Seriously?" I asked with my eyebrows raised. ""All I can smell is axe and B.O." I said with a sneeze. Neither of us noticed anything but once I said that the same boy that Kira liked turned around to face us.

"I think I need to get my smell checked because I smell nothing." Kira exclaimed.

"And bring the fa-breeze while your at it." I said with a smile forming on my face.

"Will do." Kira said with a smile forming as well.

"Kira, Bella, do you know that answer to the question?" Kira's dad asked. Oh man class started.

"Umm...what question?" We both asked in sync, Kira more nervous than I sounded. I can see you. Every single eye was on us. A sigh came out of his mouth before continuing.

The day went on for what seemed like forever until Coach's class came. Like how come we can't have recess like when we were younger. At least we could do something that didn't include learning. "Son of a bitch!" Coach yelled, taking me out of my trance. "Mischief Night, Devils Night, I don't care what you call it! You little punks are evil! You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A man's house is supposed to be his castle. MINES A FRICKEN' OMELET!" His attention is now turned toward a nicely wrapped present on his desk. "Oh this? We're gonna do this again? I don't think so!" He takes all of his anger out when he smashes the cup on the floor. The shattering noise takes him by surprise and picks a piece up. "Happy Birthday. Love, Greenburg.

The dude who's name is probably Greenburg has an utterly horrified look plastered upon his face. I couldn't help but laugh into my arms. I see the guy named Stiles next to me with a look of victory. "Nicely done." I say as i hold a low hand out and he easily hi-fives it. Stiles looks weird when then turns back towards me.

"That wasn't me."


"Thank God you texted because I was in the bathroom and I was going to go outside to eat." I say while closing the door.

"You too?" Mr. Yukimura asks with suprise.

"Did I miss something?" I was seriously confused right now.

"I was just telling Kira that she should be spending time with the other kids instead of me." Mr. Yukimura explains.

"Maybe we want to keep you company." Kira tries to reason.

I tuned out and pulled out my phone and started playing crossy roads until I finally looked up. "Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

"Are you quoting Samuel Beckett to us?"

Are you quoting Yoda?" We both asked at the same time.

"All I'm trying to say is someone will show an interest. You two are both beautiful girls. How can they not?"

"The only one who has shown any interest in us is a rabid coyote."

"Maybe you can date the coyote?"

"But I called dibs!" Kira exclaimed as she playfully nudged me.

"I said it before you!" I said as I nudged back.

"Anyway I don't want to date. And I don't want a boyfriend.

"I just want a few friends." Both of us had no idea how wrong we were.


A/N: FFFFFIIIIIIIINNNNNAAAALLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY! Sorry it took too long. I had a lot of things to do and the power and wifi went out yesterday and so I couldn't use my computer because it is an apple plug in and my devices died sooo.

Question: Do you think the the nongitsune is in Bella or not? If not do you think it will be attracted to it?

Thanks again to IsabelleHawk for this awesome cover she made for all my books.

Being a Kitsune (Teen Wolf Book 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now