Ch. 15 This Is It.

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"I can't believe this!" Exclaimed Lilly as she paced around the room hurriedly. "It's like I'm being captive here. I promised Mrs. Rivers to be back. I can't believe this!" She almost screamed.
Lilly was back to her right attic at the school, with the box delivered there by Mr. Accola. According to Ms. Mckingsley, Lilly must have someone who cares about her enough yo send her hoard that could last her ten years if she sold them. And Mr. Accola being buff and big, he stood in front of the door preventing Lilly from putting a foot outside the school. All Lilly could do was to listen, and now, she's sitting with Francesca, who after a long time of convincing, could visit Lilly at last.
"Calm down, Lilly." She said as she stood from her seat on the bed in the small room. "That isn't necessarily bad. Here, I'm with you, and you're no longer a maid. And this person who could be your guardian could cone and save you from Ms. Mckingsley and find you." She said meaningfully. "Let's say, that you weren't here when he came if he did. What would happen. What if Ms. Mckingsley lied and said you were dead, or kidnapped, or ran away, or-" she was stopped with Lilly's palm covering her lake lips.
"Where did you get all that from?" She asked as she chuckled at her friends reasoning attempts. "Kidnapped, yeah right. Who would want to kidnap a maid?" She said after her laughter died down.
Francesca shrugged and paced around a little until she said, "someone who knows you might be rich and wants money." She said with a shrug whilst staring at Lilly looking serious, with the other mastering a look of fear.
All of a sudden, both girls broke down into an other laughter, which caused them both to crumble on the bed clutching their stomachs.
"You're rediculous, where did all that come from?" Asked Lilly with tear stains covering her cheeks which were hurting from laughter. "Where you reading a lot while I was gone?"
"Yeah, I did." She replied, as if the question have succumbed all the fun and happiness in the air. "I still haven't thanked you, for all the help. Even in the time you were supposed to work, you helped me out. I can't thank you enough for that. My father is finally proud, all because of you helping me with literature. Thank you ." she said, and as she finished, she jumped off the bed and tangled Lilly in a bone-crushing hug.
"It's fine, I was glad." Said Lilly as she hugged her back.
After huging for a little while, a little voice said from afar, "don't I get a hug too?"
The two broke apart, to discover that Milly has been standing in the room, with a leg standing out further than the other, which was tappingvthe floor, and her hands placed on her hips as if in anticipation, paired with her bottom lip jutting out of her mouth and eyes like saucers. She was the cutist thing anybody could lay eyes on.
Slowly, Lilly closed the gap between them, and brought Milly to her chest, and crushed her in another hug and whispered, "oh my Milly."
Even though Lilly and Francesca could see each other rarely, Milly could not, because all the time the others met, was at night, when Ms. Mckingsley wasn't available, and was hard to be spot. Which, unfortunately, was the time when Milky was asleep.
"I missed you baby girl." Said Lilly as she started retreating, but kept her arms surrounding Milly. "I missed you too, momma." Replied the kid.
"And now that we are back together," said Francesca as she dropped down next to the two, "why don't we have fun together?"
And with that, the three spent the whole night together, having fun and chatting, telling stories and having fun being reunited.


By the time Milly was asleep in Lilly's lap, and Francesca's eyes started dropping out of exhaustion, Lilly hasfinally ecided it was time for them to go back each to her room.
She carried Milly briday stile, as she let Francesca walk before her, muttering, "careful, Fran, we don't want you to fall, and keep quiet." The other only nodded.
Soon enough, after various of screeches from Lilly, and trips from Francesca, the three had reached their destination.
"Good night, Lilly," said Francesca as she closed the door behind her, not conscious to the world around her.
"Good bight." Replied Lilly in a whisper.
As the door of the younger girls' room was opened, Lilly headed to the empty one, and lowered Milly in there. She got the blanket, and tucked the baby in it. "I love you, momma." Whispered Milly in her sleep.
"I love you too, baby girl." Replied Lilly as she retreated out of the room. And with a grin, she headed back to her attic.
As soon as she opened the door, a squeak voice was sounded from the window. She closed the door behind her, and inched towards the window.
As soon as the window was opened, something jumped on Lilly and tackled her neck. The feeling of deja vu hit her, and a smile tugged on her lips.

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